New Year, New Place of the Month: California Here We Come!

Ahhhh the start of a fresh new year, and a brand new month. You know what that means… it’s time for a new Place of the Month over here. And we are so excited to announce that January’s place is none other than California. CAL-I-FORN-I-A.  

Anyone else instantly dancing and singing “California, knows how to partayyyy”? Just me? Cool.

Where do we begin with this insanely cool state that is jam packed with must-see places, the coolest cities, loads of beaches, national parks, wineries, and of course, all the celebs! California is bursting with things to do and places to see, and we can’t wait to share some of the top places with you over the course of this month. 

California Travel Guides

I suppose a wonderful place to start would be to tell you about our California travel guides. We have more than 15 wonderfully curated guides to different places all over California. From wine tasting to chilling on the beach, exploring national parks to navigating the big cities. We have so many guides. They are all full of recommendations for where to eat, where to stay, and outlined with things to do. Any of these guides would ensure a totally awesome trip to Cali, and make planning a breeze!

Top Cities in California

There is no shortage of major cities in California. San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles, Hollywood, Sacramento, and San Jose just to name a few! If you’re like us, when you hear these names, they instantly conjure up an image in your head. They are all pretty famous when it comes to US cities. It’s wild to think they are all in the same state.

California Recreation

California seemingly has it all when it comes to terrain. Ocean, mountains, giant trees, desert, lakes. You name it, they have it. Which means there is no shortage of opportunities to get outdoors and have some fun while you’re there!

In fact, did you know that Cali has the most national parks of any US State? Yep, it’s home to 9 of our national parks… and they are all pretty dang cool. Here are the national parks you’ll find in California:

  • Redwood National and State Parks
  • Yosemite National Park
  • Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks
  • Death Valley National Park
  • Joshua Tree National Park
  • Channel Island National Park
  • Lassen Volcanic National Park
  • Pinnacles National Park

From the big cities to the great outdoors, California doesn’t disappoint. There is no end to the things you could see and do here. We truly can’t wait to explore even more of what this epic state has to offer over the course of the next month. 

Ahhhh the start of a fresh new year, and a brand new month. You know what that means… it’s time for a new Place of the Month over here. And we are so excited to announce that January’s place is none other than California. CAL-I-FORN-I-A.   Anyone else instantly dancing and singing “California, knows how…