How To Be A Tourist In Your Own City

Getting away may be the first thing that comes to mind whenever we think about vacations. Most of us eagerly look forward to that special trip to a new place. A trip where you will get to discover the natural, architectural, gastronomic and cultural attractions. A good moment that will make us forget about the routine. However, it is not necessary to travel hundreds of miles, make an itinerary of several days, spend a large amount of money and plan with a long time in advance to have fun. The most wonderful vacations-or shall we say staycations–can happen right where you live. You just have to commit on truly experiencing an adventure.

How many times have you been a tourist in your own city? We overlook and take for granted most of the things around us. The things that many others may see as special or unique. 

Go out and explore the city where you live. Those spots that you only visit when a loved one is in town. It is always good to discover new places or take the time to return to those where plenty of your memories were made. 

Get out of your comfort zone 

Most people always go to the same places. Think about it! You always drink your coffee at the same Starbucks or grab a meal at your usual restaurant. Maybe because they are conveniently close. But this is the opportunity for discovering a new area. 

Try something out of the routine, something out of your comfort zone. Go to that restaurant you always hear about and never actually visited. Take a drive to the small neighborhood that is on the outskirts of your city. Look on the internet for the gastronomic attractions that are new for you. Avoid those restaurants that you usually visit. Try committing to only going to new places or those that you really liked and haven’t been to in a while. 

In the same way, look for that little place or extraordinary event where you can enjoy as if you were visiting a new city. There are many events that happen in our own city that we didn’t know even existed.

Perhaps in other cities you have traveled on a sightseeing bus, but not in yours. Give yourself the opportunity to take a guided tour and gain a new perspective of the places that you never pay attention to. 

Be curious about the history

When we travel, we are often interested in the history of the city we visit. We always ask ourselves: why is this neighborhood called that? Why is this avenue dedicated to this person? It’s all about having the ability to get to know the place where you live through the eyes of a visitor, to be a tourist in your own city

Visit museums, galleries or historic monuments. Plenty of places host photographic exhibitions of your city. There, you will see how much the streets and buildings have changed.

When you become a tourist in your own city, you will be amazed at how many things you can learn and the many others that you tend to overlook.

Sleep outside of your own bed  

Do you want to take things to another level? Stay at a hotel or rent an apartment for a few days. It will feel like a refreshing and relaxing experience. A sleepover at a fancy hotel it’s always a good idea. The money that you save on transporting to another city may come in hand. Take advantage of all the amenities and forget about the chores at home. Enjoy eating at the hotel breakfast buffet. 

Sleeping outside of your room may offer you the inspiration of starting to read the book you never find time to… or even write the first page of your own. 

Camping is another great alternative to change the mood.  You will get to discover different green areas and connect with the nature that surround you. Visit a protected natural area and escape the hustle and bustle of the city. 

Rediscover where you live

Whichever plan you end up doing, enjoy the pleasure of being a tourist in your own city. It is an important time to think about another concept of travel. We live in the places that foreigners dream of visiting and we stop appreciating their beauty. Routine makes us blind and immune to the landscapes our city offers. 

Imagine that you are traveling and the streets that you see every day are an unknown, new and exciting adventure. Always keep in mind that every place, whether it is big or small can offer a unique and special experience. Let your city show you its beauty. It is the cheapest tourist trip you will ever do in your life.  You will not use your passport or take a plane, but you will definitely know better the streets you travel every day.

About the Author

Tere is passionate about Digital Media, traveling, comedy, and writing. She explores her love for those topics by developing content about culture, nightlife, and hot spots worldwide.

Getting away may be the first thing that comes to mind whenever we think about vacations. Most of us eagerly look forward to that special trip to a new place. A trip where you will get to discover the natural, architectural, gastronomic and cultural attractions. A good moment that will make us forget about the…