15 Reasons to Use Wild Bum’s Travel Guides

There are so many benefits to using a travel guide when planning a trip. And Wild Bum guides are one of a kind. You won’t find the same guide anywhere else, because our guides are created for travelers, by travelers. If you’re still on the fence, here are 15 reasons to use a travel guide to plan your next adventure!

Save time on research and planning.

Let’s be honest, planning travel just takes loads of time! Even if you are a super experienced and seasoned traveler. Our guides are complete with everything you need to know about your location. So, it saves you tons of time when it comes to the planning process!

Have a unique experience + local advice.

Our guides are created by REAL travelers (our Guide Architects). They have experienced these places and have real knowledge of the destination. Because of this, you will definitely get a uniquely curated experience from any of our guides!

Wild Bum guides contain loads of options for places to stay and eat.

Figuring out where to eat while you’re hangry and wandering new streets in an unfamiliar location is the WORST! But, figuring out the best places to eat tends to be the hardest thing to figure out on your own. Don’t take the risk of ending up in a shady hotel or having to settle for eating at McDonald’s. Our guides have you totally covered on this front.

Gain access to well researched information.

All of the information in our guides is fully researched by the Guide Architect who made it. Some of the information is even first-hand knowledge from their own experiences traveling to that destination.

You’re not being sold anything in a guide, you’ve already made the purchase.

When you do your research online, often the person who’s writing the article or blog post is trying to sell you something. Even if it’s as simple as staying at their hotel or eating at their restaurant. This doesn’t happen with travel guides! You’ve already made the purchase. You can rest assured that the advice and information you receive is legit and genuine! No sales tactics here.

No need for wifi, cell service, batteries, or data plans.

Our guides are printable and downloadable, so you can always have them with you whether you’ve got service or not! You could even ditch technology all together and truly enjoy being where you are.

Find off the beaten path places.

Because our Guide Architects are experienced travelers, they are great at finding the hole in the wall places and off the beaten path experiences. You are going to have tips and tricks for experiencing a destination like no one else has!

Support a traveler and small female-owned business.

Everytime you purchase one of our guides, you are supporting the Guide Architect who created it. You can also feel good knowing that you’re supporting a small business that’s female-owned! 🙂

You have all the information in one place.

Say goodbye to having 50 tabs open on your computer to sift through and pick out what’s actually useful. Anyone been there before?! You start to lose track of what all the articles and posts even say. One says you should definitely do “this” while the other says, “not worth it” … rest assured that you have everything you need in a clear and concise fashion with Wild Bum’s guides.

Easier to pack than a bulky, heavy guidebook. 

Because our guides are printable and downloadable, you don’t have to worry about carrying around a bulky book or trying to fit it in your already overflowing suitcase! Put it in a thin folder and pop it in your backpack or purse. Easy as that!

Instant download–no waiting for the guide to ship.

Last minute planners, this one’s for you! Our guides are instant downloads, so no waiting for shipping, and stressing that it might not get to you before you leave for your trip. In fact, you can download one of our guides even when you are already ON your trip.

Packing tips!

Let’s be real, the worst part about traveling is figuring out what you should pack. Next thing you know, you have another thing entirely to research. You find yourself googling: What to pack for _____ and coming up with loads of different answers. Many of our guides contain packing lists and recommendations for what to wear! Which again, saves you time researching and stressing.

Save yourself money in the long run with budgeting tips and insider tricks.

We’ve found that when we aren’t super knowledgeable about the place we will be going to, it can end up costing us more money than if we’d had some insider knowledge. Lots of times you don’t figure these things out until you’re ready to head back home. Our guides have so many insider tips that will save you money in the long run.

Up to date information–our guides are updated every year.

Our Architects update their guides annually to make sure they are up to date with current information!

Access to an entire community of travelers who are at your disposal when questions come up!

Last, but certainly not least, when you purchase a Wild Bum travel guide, you become a valued member of our global community. You have access to the many seasoned travelers and creators of our guides. This community is always happy to help answer questions and provide you with travel information to make sure that you have the best experience possible.

What’s Next?

Browse all of our travel guides right here

Sign up to be a Guide Architect and begin creating and selling guides of your own right here.

There are so many benefits to using a travel guide when planning a trip. And Wild Bum guides are one of a kind. You won’t find the same guide anywhere else, because our guides are created for travelers, by travelers. If you’re still on the fence, here are 15 reasons to use a travel guide…