July’s Guide Architect of the Month: Marie Utsch

Each month, we like to showcase someone from the Wild Bum community. This month, as our Guide Architect of the Month feature, we are introducing you to July’s Guide Architect of the Month: Marie Utsch! We are so fortunate to have her in our global community and we can’t wait for you to get to know her!

Tell us a little bit about yourself!

I’m Marie from Germany, currently living as a digital nomad in Spain after quitting my corporate job at the beginning of the year. I now run my own event agency where I help bridesmaids plan the perfect bachelorette party for their bride-to-be! Additionally, I’ve started freelancing in the areas of web design, graphic design and virtual assistance.

What type of traveler are you and what would you say is your travel style?

I’m still finding my style! This year has been the first time that I’ve travelled 2 weeks by myself and I can’t say that I hated it! It’s just something I didn’t feel comfortable with previously, but it’s definitely a travel lifestyle I enjoy. Otherwise, I’d consider myself a true foodie and I don’t really care where I’m going as long as the food is going to be awesome!

Where have you been? Where has been your favorite place?

I’ve now travelled to 36 countries and lived in 3 of them for a longer period of time (Argentina, Spain and Germany of course). I definitely want to spend more time exploring Asia and Africa; those are the two continents I’m least familiar with. If I had to pick a place as my favorite (which is such a hard thing to do!!) I’d pick Japan. I had zero expectations before going there and our trip, the country, the food ended up blowing my mind!

Why did you decide to become a Guide Architect for Wild Bum?

My boyfriend recommended the site to me and I immediately loved the concept! It’s so much better buying a travel guide from actual people within the community that have experienced the place first hand and can give you up-to-date travel information. Especially nowadays, when adresses, businesses and hotspots are changing constantly! Having travelled to many places myself and experienced some of them like a local, I wanted to share that with the Wild Bum community.

What guides have you created? Do you have any upcoming guides we can look forward to?

I’ve created two guides, one on Cologne (Germany), my home town, and Valencia (Spain), where I lived for over a year during my master studies. I started with those two, because I truly know these cities inside and out and wanted to share all the best food places, hidden gems and fun activities. Next, I’d like to create a guide on Benidorm, which is where I’ve been staying this past month, and Croatia, where I took a road trip in April (my first solo trip!).

Check out Marie’s guides right here.

How have you stayed inspired during this time where travel has not been as accessible?

I started reading a LOT of nerdy business and personal development books, relaxed with colouring books and puzzles during winter lockdown and started learning Italian – now that will get you inspired and excited to go back on vacation!

What is one thing you can’t travel without?

My yoga mat! Not for weekend get-aways, but definitely for trips longer than 2 weeks.

What is something you enjoy about being part of the Wild Bum community?

Like any community-based business, I enjoy the aspect of “from me, to you”. It’s much more fun to buy a product or service from someone that you share the same values with or that you feel connected to (even across the world)! The passion for travel and exploring new places is definitely something every member of the Wild Bum community lives and breathes and it’s nice to share with each other and the world.

We are all about inspiring people to get out there and travel, use time-off to explore, and find their wild.

Tell us, when do you feel the most “wild”?

For me, it’s all things in and on the water! I feel so free and happy when I’m on a boat, speeding across the shore, wind in my hair – I can’t help but smile. That same feeling arises when I’m snorkelling, canyoning or rafting. I love the combination of adrenaline and water!

If you haven’t already, be sure to read this post or this one to meet a couple more awesome Guide Architects that are part of our travel community.

Each month, we like to showcase someone from the Wild Bum community. This month, as our Guide Architect of the Month feature, we are introducing you to July’s Guide Architect of the Month: Marie Utsch! We are so fortunate to have her in our global community and we can’t wait for you to get to…