August’s Guide Architect of the Month: April Rueber

Wild Bum’s community of Guide Architects continues to grow each month! We now have over 1,300 architects from all around the world, crafting guides to make your travel easier. Each month, we take time to showcase one of our amazing community members. And this month we are excited to introduce you to April Rueber.

Tell us a little bit about yourself!

My name is April Rueber. I live in Chicago with my husband Ray and cat Moe, but grew up in the Iowa farmlands. When I’m not working as a marketing specialist, you can find me traveling.

What type of traveler are you and what would you say is your travel style?

 I’m a very organized, itinerary-in-hand traveler so that I have zero hiccups during the trip. I build in plenty of time for unplanned moments, but my goal is to be stress-free and maximize my vacation as much as possible.

Where have you been? Where has been your favorite place?

I’ve been to about 45 of the 50 states, I’ve seen most of Europe and Mexico. Italy is top of my list – it has everything to offer; a true paradise.

Why did you decide to become a Guide Architect for Wild Bum?

To share my passion for travel and planning with others who might not enjoy the planning process as much as I do.

What guides have you created? Do you have any upcoming guides we can look forward to?

Ancient Rome and Amalfi Coast guides. I’m working on Chicago and Greece guides currently.

Check out all of April’s travel guides right here.

How have you stayed inspired during this time where travel has not been as accessible?

By planning a new trip to a new place – something to look forward to helps. 

What is one thing you can’t travel without?

A camera to help capture the experience and look back on.

What is something you enjoy about being part of the Wild Bum community?

It’s a great opportunity to be a part of a community of people who enjoy getting out of their comfort zone and seeing the world. 

We are all about inspiring people to get out there and travel, use time-off to explore, and find their wild.

Tell us, when do you feel the most “wild”?

When I’m completely immersed in another culture and have an open day to do whatever I want. 

We hope you’ve enjoyed getting to know Guide Architect April Rueber! If you haven’t already, be sure to our other posts featuring our amazing guide architects!

Wild Bum’s community of Guide Architects continues to grow each month! We now have over 1,300 architects from all around the world, crafting guides to make your travel easier. Each month, we take time to showcase one of our amazing community members. And this month we are excited to introduce you to April Rueber. Tell…