Why Now Is the Perfect Time to Take a Low-Key Holiday

The past 18 months have been some of the most challenging and unexpected in recent memory for every single one of us. Now that things are beginning to return to something like normal, we are once again thinking about taking a holiday. While it might be tempting to aim for a dream getaway, that might not immediately be possible.

Why not opt for a low-key holiday instead? Rather than blowing your budget on something spectacular, aim for cosy comfort and relaxation.

Not convinced? Read on to discover some of our top reasons for booking a low-key holiday this year.

Better connections

Have you found that lockdown left you feeling tired of your family? You need to reconnect! According to this guide, 65% of travellers say their top reason for travelling is to strengthen bonds with their friends and family. While an adventurous holiday can be incredible, fun and educational, you might get so busy with activities that you forget to just sit and spend time with your loved ones. 

After a difficult year, now is the perfect time to strengthen your connections to family and friends by spending some real quality time together. Just walking down a quiet beach, or playing a board game while it rains outside (let’s be honest, if you’re staycationing, rain is going to fall!) can make for some amazing bonding time. Whether they help to evoke feelings of nostalgia (a feature of all good holidays) or simply help keep the kids occupied for a few hours, board games can be a useful tool when it comes to planning your holiday itinerary. 

Save cash

This might be a little crass, but saving some money is nothing to be sniffed at, especially after a financially challenging year. An expensive, extravagant break away can not only be stressful while you prepare for it, but it could also put pressure on your bank account. Save your pennies – that B&B break can be just as fun as the big spa hotel, plus you will be helping out a small business.

Find unexpected beauty

If you decide to book a low-key holiday a little more local to home (say, using your friend’s caravan or even camping out under the stars just an hour or so away), you might just find unexpected beauty in your own area. According to research, travelling locally could bring you just as much – or more – happiness as travelling to a new country. We have spent so much time stuck indoors that even the most mundane spaces might seem fantastic now – so why not rediscover them? You can romanticise your own life and enjoy the simple things.

Less uncertainty

We will be a little blunt – you can’t be certain how the current world events might impact international travel. This could leave you feeling stressed out about your long-awaited holiday potentially being cancelled long before you even pack your suitcase. If you opt for something a little more low-key, you can be fairly sure that your plans will go off without a hitch, or that you will be able to rearrange them more easily. Doesn’t that sound a lot more calming?

Have we persuaded you to try a quieter, slower, and smaller sort of holiday this year? You will get all the great mental health benefits of a holiday, without all the strain of trying to book a huge break. Brew some chamomile tea and have a calm browse through some low-key holiday locations for the perfect break. We promise it will be a lot less stressful than that mad dash to the airport could ever be.

The past 18 months have been some of the most challenging and unexpected in recent memory for every single one of us. Now that things are beginning to return to something like normal, we are once again thinking about taking a holiday. While it might be tempting to aim for a dream getaway, that might…