How to Prepare for your First Long-Distance RV Trip

How to Prepare for Your First RV Road Trip

There’s no better way to enjoy this beautiful country in our opinion than by going on a long RV road trip. This will allow you to see everything the country has to offer and discover parts of it you never thought existed. 

With that being said, you have to be well-prepared before you decide to go on a cross-province trip since you’ll be going for long stretches away from major urban centres. This means that you have to make sure that you and everyone that’s with you feel comfortable and safe no matter where you are. Let’s take a look at a few tips for planning your first long-distance RV trip successfully.

Bring Your RV in for a Check-up

You can perform a summary inspection on your RV on your own, but if you didn’t get it checked by a professional at least once in the last year, do it right away. Some of the most important components to check include the roof, the tires, the engine, mechanical components like the axles, the differential, the transmission, the brakes, and all the fluids. You also need to check the state of the battery. Only once everything has been checked and issues repaired can you start officially planning your trip.

Upgrade your Gear and Accessories

Now would also be a good time to invest in a few upgrades for your RV. If comfort is important to you, you should consider investing in new mattresses and bedding for the bedrooms. All these seemingly small adjustments will help you feel more at home and get much better sleep at night.

You should also invest in the best equipment you can find. Snow Peak has camping and RV gear that is both functional and looks great, so view the latest collection at if you’re looking for things like top-of-the-line flasks, coolers, lanterns, and grills. 

You also need to start looking at safety equipment like wheel chocks, an RV-specific GPS, a fire extinguisher, and a well-packed emergency kit. Also consider connectivity and communication tools like a Wi-Fi booster/repeater, walkie-talkies, and an emergency radio. And don’t forget surveillance equipment if you intend to leave the RV unattended for long stretches. 

Build a Lose Itinerary

You shouldn’t be too rigid with your itinerary; leave some space for improvisation. You can have a few must-see destinations and a few Plan B options that you can pick based on mood. You should also have multiple lodging options at different points along the way in case you want to check in earlier than expected if you get a second wind and feel like you can go a bit longer.

Don’t Overestimate Yourself

Some people underestimate how tiring it can be to drive for complete days, and you may realise very fast that you can only do half of what you thought you could. Or that you may need to stop for more than one or two days at each stop to get enough energy to get back on the road. So, instead of focusing on racking up miles, try to focus on enjoying the entire trip and what you do get to see.


These are the basics of what you need to know if you want to have a great long-distance RV trip alone, with a partner, or with a group. If you plan properly, this could end up being the trip of your lifetime, so start early and get everyone involved if you want to get the best trip ever.

There’s no better way to enjoy this beautiful country in our opinion than by going on a long RV road trip. This will allow you to see everything the country has to offer and discover parts of it you never thought existed.  With that being said, you have to be well-prepared before you decide to…