New Ownership Announcement 🚨

Dear Wild Bum Community,

I hope this finds you well and you are enjoying lots of travel. It has been a long time and I have been on a wild journey — in the most profound way.

As I honor my personal evolution as well as these organic life transformations, I share with absolute joy and delight that a dynamic, incredible duo have taken over the helm of all things Wild Bum! Ben and Steph are two people I hold very dear and near to my heart. So, passing the torch to them has been a true gift.

I know that their energy, their passion and their brilliant ideas will give everything you, this community and our platform the meaningful effort that it wholeheartedly deserves.

I will still be around and forever an advocate for meaningful, conscious travel and exploration of not only this glorious planet, but also building a global community. I am excited to see the sites and places you will all soar to with Ben and Steph’s magic. 

-Mollie Krengel


We are so grateful Mollie has trusted us to take Wild Bum forward, and build off the incredible community she’s created.

Travel has been a core tenet in our lives for as long as we can recall. Our adventures have shaped our individuality, our relationship, and how we want to show up for this world. It’s done SO much for us and we want to help unlock this for others.

The core spirit of Wild Bum will go unchanged. Our aim is to grow a travel lifestyle brand that enables people to explore the depths and breadths our unique world has to offer.

We are committed to providing unmatched travel resources, a vibrant and supportive community, and trendy travel gear to help you say yes to more adventures.

We look forward to building Wild Bum together!

Dear Wild Bum Community, I hope this finds you well and you are enjoying lots of travel. It has been a long time and I have been on a wild journey — in the most profound way. As I honor my personal evolution as well as these organic life transformations, I share with absolute joy…