Why I Chose to Study my Master’s Degree Abroad

One of the reasons why I created this blog was to be able to document my adventures as I travel across the pond to study for my Master’s degree at the University of Manchester. However, I realized I never told you why I chose to study my Master’s degree abroad.

Here are some of the reasons I chose to study abroad:

1. No GRE

If you are looking to study at a university outside of the US, you are (usually) not required to have  a GRE score to apply. I am not a fan of standardised tests, I mean who is?? The ACT, SAT, LSAT, really any of them leave me in a panic. Not that taking the GRE was a deal breaker for me to attend a graduate school in the US, but not having to take the GRE was definitely a big plus.

2. Less Time

It will literally take me half the time to get my degree! A Master’s degree in Europe takes one year (full-time) instead of two. A PhD will take three years instead of the five years it takes in the United States (which I will probably go for eventually, too).

3. Less Expensive

Including living costs (travel, accommodation, food), obtaining my degree in England will be 1/3 of the cost it would be if I studied in the United States.

*Plus at some schools overseas, you can still use FASFA.

4. Getting to Live in a Foreign Country

And arguably the most important reason, I get to live in England for a whole year!! Plus, because of my visa, I will get 6 months after my studies are complete to live in the UK if I’d like to find a job there (which is totally the goal!).

If you are thinking of studying abroad, either for undergraduate or postgraduate studies, and have questions, feel free to comment or email me via the contact form on my blog! I’d love to try and help you any way I can!

One of the reasons why I created this blog was to be able to document my adventures as I travel across the pond to study for my Master’s degree at the University of Manchester. However, I realized I never told you why I chose to study my Master’s degree abroad. Here are some of the…