Meet December’s Place of the Month: New York!

As we bid farewell to November and say hello to December –the last month of 2020 (phew, we made it!) it’s time to say hello to a brand new Place of the Month! We must admit, we loved talking all about Texas last month. But, we are feeling pretty excited about this new place, because December’s Place of the Month is none other than…


(you must read that by singing it, to get the full effect)

New York is seen by many as a land of opportunity. I don’t know about you, but when I think about NY (especially NYC) I think of big inspiration, huge dreams, hard work, and things happening on a big scale. So, it’s only fitting that this is the place we chose to close out 2020. Hopefully it will leave us all with hope and ambition heading into a New Year.

And what better time to focus on this magnificent city, than the holiday season? I mean, c’mon. New York is epic when it comes to the winter holidays. Rockefeller Center’s giant tree and skating rink that are in alllllll the movies and the ball dropping in Times Square for New Year’s Eve. In my opinion, New York City is magic around this time of the year.

Is anyone else suddenly in the mood to watch Home Alone?

No matter the season, we are so pumped to be exploring New York in more detail this month. We have loads of amazing New York travel guides that we can’t wait to highlight for you. We also have some fun blog posts lined up from our awesome, knowledgable community of travelers. 

If you’re already day dreamin’ and want to start planning your epic New York getaway right now, you can check out all of our wonderfully curated travel guides here. But, stay tuned because later this week we will be showcasing 4 of our favorite NY guides and talking a bit more about what each one has to offer.

We can’t wait to explore New York with you this month!

As we bid farewell to November and say hello to December –the last month of 2020 (phew, we made it!) it’s time to say hello to a brand new Place of the Month! We must admit, we loved talking all about Texas last month. But, we are feeling pretty excited about this new place, because December’s…