How We Can Use Travel To Help The Next Generation End Racism

Hello ! We are the Banksies, an interracial and blended family based in Los Angeles, California. 

Who are we?

I am Myriam, originally from Madagascar, I was born and raised in France, I love to travel and discover new cultures. Music and dance keeps my soul happy. I love tech and  I am such a geek. Photography is my way of capturing moments that bring me joy. I Love Fashion but Love the planet a bit more, so I have a new found love for sustainable fashion. Selfcare is part of the journey of being a fulfilled mother.  Momcation is part of my motherhood !

Darryl, my husband is the spark of the family. He is the spontaneous adventurer. He is an avid rock climber and surfer. And he is the epitome of what an amazing fun dad is! Some days I truly think he must have an extra battery somewhere, maybe the British blood? 

Maya is our 9 year old daughter, she came into my life at a young age and I can not get enough of her. She is kind, funny, spunky and sassy. She is truly my little girl from the heart and I could not ask for a better sister for Kailo.

Kailo is our 4 year old little boy. He is energetic (part of daddy battery) loves to dance, swim, scoot and skate around . funny, affectionate and  the ocean is his happy place 

My early experiences with travel?

I was born in Normandy and grew up mostly in France. We traveled quite a bit due to my dad’s work. My favorite memories as a child were when we visited family in Madagascar, sometimes for 6 months at a time. We also spend a couple of years in Tahiti. I remember the fun, the beach, running with other kids, summer camp in Bora Bora, the simple life. It really shaped who I was and my love for traveling.

I was able to understand the importance or just having one toy because I have experienced playing with other children from a third country that have never even seen a playground or a doll.

Related read: How Travel Looks Different for People of Color

Why is it important for us to travel with our children? 

Fast Forward to being a mom, those experiences as a child built a foundation of acceptance and love of other cultures within me. It is so precious that It was essential that my children who are born within diversity see other cultures, taste different food, and hear other languages.

Traveling exposes children to a variety of experiences. I get asked often why not wait until they are older? 

The feeling. The feeling is what they will remember. I remember the feeling of running through the white sand in Tahiti, the dugout boat we took to bora bora for summer camp, the joy of  playing hide and seek with other children in madagascar at 4 years old. Those feelings are what brings me back to traveling. Wanderlust is the best gift I can give my children. 

Traveling and Racism

For the most part, we have had an incredible experience traveling around the world. Yes we have had some, not so good experiences , which I talk about in our blog. But I want to give a different perspectives and hope for anyone who is ready this and wants to join the fight to end racism. 

The world is changing rapidly.

I look around, here in our city of Los Angeles and around the world. And the future generation is so mixed. The world will have no choice but to adapt to a more culturally mixed world, which will help end racism in the future.  It is just a matter of time. 

So I urge today’s parents of our future generation to guide them from within your home by doing  a few simple things. 

  • Traveling would be my number one choice. Wild Bum has amazing guides that can help you choose the perfect destination for your family.
  • Reading is another way to expose your children to other cultures, countries and diversity. 
  • In your community, expose them to different cultures, by maybe choosing one activity that would have them interact with other children from a different ethnic background. 

These are just a few examples of how you can help your children become more accepting of different cultures and help to end racism.

As a interracial couple with biracial children, we always believed that the only chance we have as humans is to embrace others, no matter what their cultures are, or what they believe in. Ignorance is one of the roots of a lot of social issues.

Hello ! We are the Banksies, an interracial and blended family based in Los Angeles, California.  Who are we? I am Myriam, originally from Madagascar, I was born and raised in France, I love to travel and discover new cultures. Music and dance keeps my soul happy. I love tech and  I am such a…