How Travel Looks Different in a World Post-COVID

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken the world by storm. In a matter of a few weeks, the world changed in almost every way. Schools and businesses have closed, moving operations to fully online. People and families opt to stay home to protect themselves and others. 

The changes forced by COVID-19 have even reached the world of car insurance. COVID and car insurance isn’t necessarily a bad thing, though. The rates and coverage benefits of car insurance have changed to reflect the rapidly changing world, and it’s important to know how these changes affect you.

Read about our experience traveling during a pandemic here.

Life Post-COVID

As the pandemic continues, many areas of the world are navigating normal life after COVID. A number of changes from the pandemic seem to be longer lasting and will be part of life for some time. This “new normal” looks different, but it holds the promise of a return to life outside our homes.

Many of these changes will still be part of life even after COVID-19 leaves us. 

Less Physical Contact

COVID-19 is a highly contagious virus that spreads rapidly in close, confined spaces. To combat this, many businesses, restaurants, and shopping centers have instituted methods to limit physical contact between people.

Activities like checking out, paying, and even shopping or pickup have changed dramatically. Businesses are emphasizing their online presence and the ability for consumers to pick up their merchandise without leaving their car. When it is necessary to go inside a brick-and-mortar store, there are physical barriers at high contact points to keep everyone safe. 

Masks and Social Distancing

The most visible change of the COVID-19 pandemic is the addition of masks and social distancing. To stop the spread of the virus, many government and city officials have mandated the use of masks and facial coverings. This new accessory is the most characteristic change of COVID-19 and 2020.

Social distancing is an extension of the masks and a desire to “slow the spread.” Society now operates at a distance of six feet. People keep their distance but continue to find creative and inventive ways to stay connected. 

More Ordering and Delivering 

Businesses have also felt the effects of this pandemic. With social distancing and local lockdowns keeping people inside, businesses have had to adapt their services. We now see more online ordering and delivery options than ever before.

Almost everything can be delivered now through Amazon or local restaurants and grocery stores. 

Work (and School) From Home

Another big transition during this historic pandemic is the move to home. Everything from work, school, and even grocery shopping has moved to the family home. Home is the ultimate social distancing and keeps your loved ones safe and close by.

This transition has also kept people from traveling. The idea of moving around in our local communities can seem daunting, but moving outside that can be even more overwhelming. 

Traveling is possible, however, during this interesting time. The benefits of travel, even in times of uncertainty, are immense. That is why travel should be a priority in 2021.

Changes to Travel During the COVID Pandemic

Travel seems scary right now. It may even seem impossible with the threat of catching or spreading the COVID-19 virus. Government officials, airline companies, and other travel entities have instituted a number of guidelines and practices to keep travelers as safe as possible. 

New Safety Requirements and Regulations

Airports and airplanes are highly populated areas, making them prominent areas of possible spread. The companies and airlines are aware of this, so they have enacted a number of safety requirements and regulations to keep everyone healthy. 

There is limited contact between airline employees and airline travelers. Booking and check-in are available online or at mobile kiosks to emphasize less physical contact. 

Many airlines are limiting the number of seats that can be sold or occupied on each flight so that social distancing guidelines can be maintained. Masks are required at all times when flying, and cleaning efforts have been increased heavily to help minimize spread. 

Limitations on Destinations

As the virus moves and travels across different parts of the world, governments and travel companies can and will reduce travel options. Closures can stop the planning of a trip or delay a trip already planned. 

This can be a frustrating development when you begin planning a trip, but the closures are only temporary. Closures can also lead you to adventure in a place you never expected. 

Higher Cost on Air Travel and Accommodations 

There are some financial ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic as well. Many travelers are seeing higher costs in air travel and accommodations around the world. The increase in cost reflects the efforts companies are taking to increase their cleaning efforts and maintain a virus-free environment. 

Higher prices can be a shock as you prepare and plan your trip, but they do show the care and attention these companies are taking during this unprecedented time. It does seem that these higher prices will continue in the future as we continue to develop our understanding of the virus. 

Possible Non-Negotiables 

There are more possible changes on the horizon as well. As the scientific and medical communities continue their research and fight against COVID-19, more changes will come to the social sphere. The invention of a COVID-19 vaccine may become a requirement to travel with some airline companies or to visit some countries. Travelers may have to present a “vaccine ID” before traveling. 

It’s also possible that travel insurance will be a requirement. Travelers may have to purchase insurance for any of their travel accommodations. This insurance helps protect both the travel companies and travelers alike in case trips must be canceled or altered.  

Benefits of Travel During the COVID Pandemic

With all of this change and uncertainty, it may seem like more effort and trouble to travel during the pandemic. The reality is, however, that traveling during this time offers a number of great benefits. 

Widely Used Safety Measures

The entire world is working to understand and defeat this contagious disease, so there is a lot of continuity in safety measures. These safety measures help to keep everyone safe while mitigating the risk of catching or spreading COVID-19. Worldwide safety measures can help ease any concern or anxiety about traveling during this time.

Mixing up the Work Space

The transition from working at the office to working at home allows for more travel. People are no longer bound to the 9-to-5 job at the office. Many jobs can be done completely online and from anywhere in the world. Now is the time to work from home around the world and experience new places and new things. 

Less Traffic and Smaller Crowds

Because of social distancing requirements, many businesses and attractions offer staggered times for travelers to enjoy different attractions. This means there will be less traffic and smaller crowds, which help lessen the risk of catching COVID-19. Consumers and travelers can enjoy new experiences with less stress or need for concern.

Reimagining Road Trips 

Another big benefit of travel during the COVID-19 pandemic is the reinvigoration of the road trip. Road trips have taken a backseat to the increase in air travel, but now is the time to jump in the car and see the country. 

Road trips offer adventure and excitement without the restrictions implemented by many airline companies. It’s travel and connectivity in a time distance and separation. 

Coronavirus and Auto Insurance

Few areas of life are immune to the changes and challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. One unexpected area affected is car insurance. Many insurance companies are offering refunds to policyholders, extending coverage for delivery drivers, and pausing late fees. 

The pandemic has caused a financial strain on many people and is keeping fewer people off the roads. This translates into bigger savings and refunds for customers. Make sure to check with your insurance provider about possible effects on your car insurance. 

About the Author

Laura Gunn is an insurance expert who researches and writes for the auto insurance comparison site, She is passionate about car owners finding savings without cutting coverage or peace of mind.

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken the world by storm. In a matter of a few weeks, the world changed in almost every way. Schools and businesses have closed, moving operations to fully online. People and families opt to stay home to protect themselves and others.  The changes forced by COVID-19 have even reached the world…