How to Make Your Travel Blog Storytelling Stand Out

Storytelling is one of the strongest trends in content marketing. What’s more, storytelling is inherent in everyone’s life, not just those who are engaged in marketing or blogging. People tell stories every day. 

To feel the power of storytelling, it is enough just to remember the conversation with those people who have just returned from a trip. These are always bright emotions, colorful descriptions, and the interlocutor’s desire to feel the same emotions. Isn’t that what a travel blog needs? If you haven’t implemented storytelling into your content marketing yet, now is the time to start doing it. Here is how. 

What is Storytelling and How It Will Help Your Blog?

Storytelling is the ability to write stories in such a way that the reader comes to the desired conclusion on their own. For companies, this is an opportunity to better share their values, and add a touch of humanity. When it comes to blogging, this is a good tool for building trust with readers and engaging them with your stories. 

Storytelling allows you to ensure the interaction of all elements of the story, which allows you to hold attention and lead the reader to the right thought. Therefore, this is a great tool to reboot blogs and get attention from readers.

How to implement storytelling in your blog? Of course, you will need to create a formula for success through testing. But some universal tips will surely work and bring you the desired effect for your blog.

Top Five Tips on How to Use Storytelling on a Travel Blog

How to implement storytelling in your travel blog? There are several interesting ideas with the help of which your blog will be able to stand out among hundreds of others.

#1 Know Your Audience

People love topics that have something in common with their lives. For example, young people will not read about where to go on vacation with children. Just like parents won’t be interested in stories about the coolest things you can find in Ibiza. Therefore, before you start creating content and implementing such a powerful tool as storytelling, you should understand who your audience is. 

If you have more readers with children, then you need to focus on the description of holidays with children. If the majority of your audience is young people, then you should focus on appropriate entertainment for this age category. Sometimes it’s possible to combine all this, but only if you have a mixed audience.

#2 Create Tension

When we talk about storytelling, then it is wise to use the principle of dramaturgy. That is, it is worth creating an outset of the conflict, an increase in tension, a culmination, and a denouement. When there is no conflict and tension, the story will not be interesting. For this reason, publications that tell the two sides of the country’s coin are especially popular. 

Also, the audience loves to learn about how you can save money in luxury travel destinations. For example, if you create content that tells how it is possible to visit Mykonos on a budget, the legendary luxury resort, it has a great chance of driving engagement among your readers.

How to create tension when telling travel stories?

  • find a way through difficulties. For example, you can tell a bitter experience about traveling without insurance. And then, compare the impressions and tell what problems having an insurance policy can solve and prevent. By the way, click here for info on travel insurance and consider sharing the best offers with your readers.
  • dwell on the exciting part from the culmination and then return to the beginning.
  • collide two opposing ideas that will lead to the same ending. (If we go back to the Mykonos resort example, then just the tips on how to relax on a budget in a luxury resort are just what you need.)

#3 Tell the Truth

Often, a character is used to create a vivid effect from storytelling. But in order to get the desired effect, it is worth making this hero real. Mention habits, favorite things, and emotions. The character and their story should be as believable as possible and come to life along with the development of the plot.

In order to create the right details, you need to understand what will hook your audience. Also, all the details should work in favor of the plot. For example, outline the context to reveal the reasons for the actions of the character. It is also worth remembering that if the detail is not important for the story, then you can skip it.

#4 Use Conversations

Character’s dialogue can make your story more vivid and interesting. But you should be careful with this tool and not use it in every article you write. However, if you will be introducing multiple characters into your story, then the dialogue will be appropriate. Dialogue is able to add life to your story, build the relationship of characters, and dilute the monotonous text.

#5 Be an Explorer

The demanding reader wants to spend their time usefully. The benefit is what the modern reader comes to your blog for so try to create value for your audience with each new story. Talk about how and what to do in a particular country. Give practical advice, share your experience and make each of your articles a mine of useful information. Usefulness mixed with storytelling is the key to success.

Final Words

Storytelling is an opportunity to breathe new life into your blog. This is a powerful tool to engage your audience and make readers want to experience the same emotions. Use these tips to start generating amazing content with a mix of useful tips, practical advice, personal experience, and vivid stories. 

Storytelling is one of the strongest trends in content marketing. What’s more, storytelling is inherent in everyone’s life, not just those who are engaged in marketing or blogging. People tell stories every day.  To feel the power of storytelling, it is enough just to remember the conversation with those people who have just returned from…