Author: Aussy Aportadera

7 Benefits of Grocery Delivery Apps When You’re on Long Travels

When traveling, it can be difficult to determine where to eat at any given time. Finding groceries when you’re in another city can also be challenging, especially if you’re there for a long time. You’re not sure whether the nearest grocery store will have what you need or whether you can even the language barrier.…

Why Choose Local Produce When Traveling

There’s nothing quite like traveling to a country whose culture you’ve yet to dive into. One of the best ways to understand a place’s way of life is through its food. And many people agree with that. In fact, a lot of travelers spend more on food and drinks when they’re abroad because they believe…

Skin Care Tips To Know For A Cold Winter Vacation

The changing seasons can take our skin for a ride. In the colder, winter months, for example, you’ll notice that your skin gets extra dry and flaky. That’s because the dry heat indoors, the cold air and winter wind outside, and the low humidity levels rid our skin of moisture — leaving our faces looking…

Zero-Waste Travel: 4 Must-Know Tips To Travel Better

With the threat of climate change being more visible by the day, there have been countless drives and initiatives to introduce a zero-waste lifestyle. By reducing the waste we generate, we hope to contribute less to the trash going to the landfills. However, traveling is often associated with a fast-paced lifestyle marked with convenience. As…

Why Sailing Trips Make The Perfect Honeymoon Experience

So you nailed everything from engagement to wedding—you most certainly deserve heartfelt congratulations! Your union was witnessed and celebrated with the love of your friends and family embracing you. Now, it’s time to take the romance between you and your husband or wife up a notch. It’s just the two of you, sharing experiences that…

Why You Should Wear Sunscreen On A Plane

Despite the evident benefits of scoring a window seat on an airplane, there is a detrimental drawback that must be underscored. It is the possibility of getting sunburned or worse, skin cancer, due to the UV rays that can penetrate the glass. It is interesting that travelers are more often reminded to wear sunscreen during…