Author: Beau Peters

Organizing Your Home for an Extended Travel Vacation

When planning for a long vacation, most people tend to focus on the trip itself and their packing. However, one important thing that often gets forgotten about is the home.  Preparing your home for extended time away can help prevent any issues from arising while you are gone. It can also ensure you have time…

How to Safely Be a Female Solo Traveler

Whether you are in it to meet new people in new places, to go where you want with no strings attached, or you just want to get out of your comfort zone, there are many benefits to solo travel. However, even though you are a strong and independent woman, your safety needs to be the…

When to Travel to a Foreign Country to Learn a New Language

Congratulations on your desire to learn a new language! By broadening your horizons, you open yourself up to new adventures and potential business opportunities. If you are in a hurry to learn a new language, you may consider the old advice that we have all heard in the past. Travel to a foreign country to…

Can You Still Make Money With a Travel Blog?

With the millions of blogs on the internet right now, it’s no wonder people are closing their ears to the “you can make money blogging” conversation. Even when you niche down to a travel blog, there’s still a lot of doubt around making a living from it.  Monetizing a travel blog isn’t for the faint-hearted.…

Knowing When to Leave an Online Hotel Review

If you love to travel, then you have probably stayed in your fair share of hotels, hostels, and residential colleges over the years. While we hope that most of these experiences have been positive, that won’t always be the case. The fact is that by knowing when to leave an online hotel review, you can…

How To Handle Unexpected Adversity On A Trip

Anyone with an adventurous bone in their body loves JRR Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy. In it, Tolkien wrote one of the most well-quoted lines in literature:  “Not all those who wander are lost.”  It’s a great line from a wonderful adventure, but anyone who has read the book will also know that the…