Author: Kirstin Benish

Going Solo

I promised myself a couple of years ago that when I had the funds, any ounce of desire (which is always), and available time off from work, I’d get out of town. For some, it feels as if everything must align perfectly in order to make travel happen; that stress weighs heavy when trying to…

9 Unforgettable Experiences in Botswana

Botswana has a very special place in my heart. Like anywhere you move to for a significant amount of time, this new place, the people around you, and the way of life becomes a part of you and naturally your own. From slaughtering and cleaning hundreds of chickens in the front yard with ladies in…

The Unexpected: Namibia

Namibia wasn’t even on my radar. I knew very little about this low-key country bordering Botswana to the east and the Atlantic Ocean to the west that I really thought I wasn’t missing out if I never got the opportunity to go during my two years living next door. Boy was I wrong. Just like…