Author: Katie Thurlow

24 hours in Greater Portland

Welcome to Portland, the largest city in Maine, known for being one of the “foodiest” places in America. The iconic L.L. Bean boots are a way of life here and are made only a few towns away. The economy here relies heavily on commercial fishing so if lobster and fish is what you desire you…

Guide to Havasupai

Havasu Falls is one of those places that you need to see to believe. I had been trying to get there since I first heard of it back in 2011. That’s right, eight years ago! For one reason or another I never made it there until this year. I finally got to experience the turquoise…

Pack it ‘Out’ Pack it In, Let me Begin (Hiking 101)

Please forgive my House of Pain reference. If you’re too young to get it, look it up. 🙂 In the grand scheme of things I haven’t been hiking for that long. I only started doing ‘real’ hikes when I went to college. I have always enjoyed the outdoors and outdoor activities but were I grew…

New Zealand Take Me Back!

Kia Ora! (or hello) Have you ever been to a place that no matter how much time you spend there it is not enough? New Zealand is that place for me. I have wanted to go back ever since I returned to the United States. Who am I kidding, I never wanted to leave! When…

How I Beat the Winter Blues

This is not something I would typically write about, it’s very personal and affects me directly, but I believe it is a very important topic and worthy of being talked about. Recently I posted a poll on Instagram in regards to tips and tricks to beat the winter funk. The results were overwhelming, I am…

Everything You Never Knew You Wanted To Do In Yellowstone

Have you ever been to Yellowstone National Park? Would you like to see a TON of animals in their natural habitat? If you do, then you should move Yellowstone to the top of your bucket list! Animals are so close you could touch them, even though you definitely shouldn’t, unless you aren’t attached to the…