Author: Kelly Connor

Broome With Kids – Free or Low Cost Ideas for the Family

There is something in the air in Broome and we could never put our fingers on it, Broome draws you in, relaxes you and you do not want to leave. We know travelling can be an expensive time for families with accommodation costs, food and travel sometimes there isn’t much left over for experiences. We…

Kalbarri, Australia: A Coastal Town For Kids

Kalbarri is a beautiful little coastal town 600km from Perth where the Murchinson River meets the Indian Ocean. With a large nature playground right along the beach and Pelican feeding every morning we knew when we arrived that this would be a place the kids would love. One of the things that really stood out…

Our Favourite Natural Attractions With Kids in Northern Territory, Australia!

Northern Territory is full of natural beauty one that us as parents would love to see but it’s always the question is it worth going to such a beautiful or spiritual place if the kids are just going to complain and be bored? Sometimes it can be hard to get kids under 5 to understand…

Our Guide to Karijini with Kids Under 5

Thinking of doing Karijini with kids under 5, we did and it was one of the most amazing and challenging experiences we have had yet on our trip! From the most picturesque free camp up on a cliff top, to swimming in the many swimming holes throughout Dales Gorge, taking the steps down to the…