Author: Marnie Dachis Marmet

Life in the Time of Coronavirus

As I sit here on a quiet Sunday morning and I think about the past few weeks, I cannot believe how much life has changed. If you had told me six weeks ago that a virus would sweep the entire globe, shut everything down and we would be on a “shelter in place” order from…

Why is it so healthy to have a smoothie for breakfast?

I love breakfast smoothies and I try to drink one every day. Making and drinking a smoothie is one of my favorite easy to implement health recommendations. ⁣ ⁣ Smoothies are quick and simple to make and they pack a ton of nutrition into one drink that nourishes your body. ⁣ ⁣ Smoothies are also…

How to Eat Healthy While Traveling

I have many clients that ask me how to maintain a healthy diet while traveling. Whether you are traveling for business or pleasure, it is easy to fall out of your routine, overeat or just simply make poor choices. With a little pre-planning, it is not difficult to stay on track. Preparation and mindfulness are…