Author: Rachel Enerson

Braving the Cold: The Case for Winter Hiking

You’ve done it. You’ve clicked on an article about being outside, hiking, in the winter – and you’re still here! Congrats! This isn’t so bad, is it?  Here in Minnesota, we have a true divide between those who crave the magic of winter and those who despise it with every inch of their being. But,…

Falling Back in Love with Travel in Iceland

The airport was insane. A line that loops back not twice, but four times, before heading up the stairs to customs. We had arrived in Iceland – four planes from the U.S. carrying tourists who were ready to reemerge from a really long year and a half without travel prepared to fall back in love…

Beach Towns: New England’s Hidden Gem!

When you hear New England, oftentimes you think of the big destinations: Boston, Cape Cod or Martha’s Vineyard. One of my favorite parts of the east coast, however, is the sweet, quaint and unique little beach towns that make up this region, lining the shore.  New England’s beach towns are what I believe makes the…

East Coast States: I Think I’ll Go To Boston

Everyone has been looking forward to planning some summer trips after an extended time at home – and while many will flock to the west coast, I highly recommend checking out the other side of the country and exploring New England. I’ve been so looking forward to planning a trip back out to the east…