Author: Rachel-Jean Firchau

What to do with 48 Hours in Utah

“You don’t move to Salt Lake City for the city. You come here for the mountains… the snow… the clean mountain air.” Utah. When you think of it, you probably immediately think of sprawling red rock formations, mountain biking, snow, and ski resorts. But without a car, and with no mountain biking/snowboarding/skiing experience, I wasn’t…

5 Workout Ideas That Can Be Done At Home or On the Road

Hi! Quick disclaimer: there may be a few affiliate links in this post. If you use these links, and end up making a purchase or booking a trip, I could make enough money to go Paris! Just kidding, but these links do support Rachel Off Duty at no additional expense to you. Thanks for supporting…

18 Careers That Allow You To Work Remote

I’ll be frank and start with what I know we’re all thinking. This is a bizarre time we’re living in. In recent weeks, schools, restaurants, bars, and all non-essential businesses have started closing down left and right. Entire countries are on lockdown. And, people everywhere are being asked to shelter at home, all in the…

How to Stay in the Zone When You Work From Home

One of the sweetest deals I get out of my day job is the ability to work from home. I didn’t realize just how big a deal this was until I meagerly asked my boss early last year if I could work from home to go to Coachella. “Yeah, of course. You don’t have to…

How To Spend 5 Days in Tasmania

My dad’s side of my family has its roots in Australia. I took my first trip to visit when I was in high school, and I liked Australia, but I wasn’t totally mesmerized by it yet. I was 15, and not many things about the world really impressed me yet (you remember those days, right?).…

City Guide: Off Duty in Reykjavik

If a country’s capital says anything about the country as a whole, then Iceland according to downtown Reykjavik is modern, yet calmly paced; charming, though not overly showy; and refreshingly friendly, but not in the in-your-face-all-smiles ways of the US. The southwestern island micro-metropolis and northernmost geographical capital city in the world feels like a…