Author: Stephanie Kelman

Thailand Eats: Bangkok Street Food Heaven

After leaving Cambodia, our next stop on our world adventure was Bangkok. Neither of us had ever been before and we weren’t really sure what to expect. Well, our expectations were pretty much true to reality – a wild and crazy city filled with majestic temples, ridiculous amounts of people and a street food scene…

Around the World in 210 Days

Planning our route and all the questions in between… When we started telling our friends that we’re quitting our jobs to travel, the natural flow of conversation resulted in us spewing off a list of countries that make up our 7-month route around the world. It’s quite a mouthful and always warrants more explanation than…

A Girl With a Plan

Steph’s take on taking a big leap. Being a lifelong planner, most of my life has been mapped out since I was 8 years old. I am your typical type A, follow the well-worn path, kind of girl. Every decision I made was calculated based on what the next 5 decisions would be. I liked…