Author: Wild Bum

Wild Bum in the News:

Rental Fashion for Travel with TRVL Porter

We recently teamed up with our friends at TRVL Porter to bring you a 20-page guide that highlights 4 summer destinations in the U.S. and what to wear while exploring them. From Healdsburg, California to Cape Cod, Massachusetts, this guide combines Wild Bum Guide Architect’s foodie, adventure, and lodging favorites with Trvl Porter’s fashion expertise…

Q&A: Talking Tech and Flying Safer

Did you catch our Instagram stories yesterday? In case you missed them, here’s a little recap. (Don’t worry, they’re also saved as a highlight on our IG page!) Bobbi, the social media manager at Pilota, gave us a rundown on the company: what they do in travel, changes that came with COVID-19, and how you…

Wild Bum Ambassador Program!

Attention Wild Bum Guide Architects! We are launching a new WB Ambassador Program. Who: Current Guide Architects can apply. *Accepting 10 ambassadors. What: Apply. Get accepted. Agree to Guidelines. Get Wild Bum gear. Where: You can do this from wherever you are planted right now! When: Apply today.

Five Top Travel Tips from Wild Bum Guide Architects

Travel Tip No. 1 Guide Architect Sam Whillock (@jackpineandthyme): Pack less and see more! It’s plain and simple. When I was on an annual trip to Mexico City, we decided to go to Oaxaca for a few days and I had traveled with a HUGE suitcase for a week-long trip as well as my camera…