Author: Wild Bum

Wild Bum in the News:

Wild Bum’s 21 Bucket List Items for Summer 2021

Summertime is officially here! With summer comes so much excitement. Remember that feeling you got when you were a kid, and you just finished your last day of school? All of the adventures of summer were awaiting you. There’s still that same nostalgic feeling attached to summertime, even as an adult. And, I don’t know…

June’s Guide Architect of the Month: Elizabeth Fabio

Each month, we like to showcase someone from the Wild Bum community. This month, as our Guide Architect of the Month feature, we are introducing you to Elizabeth Fabio! She is a badass female traveler, who has gone on epic hikes all around the world. We are lucky to have her as part of Wild…

Benefits of Using Vacation Days & Taking a Break

(CNN) — Workers in the United States left a record number of vacation days on the table last year, equating to billions in lost benefits, according to research from the U.S. Travel Association, Oxford Economics and Ipsos. A total of 768 million days went unused in 2018, a 9% increase from 2017. If you’re anything…

June’s Place of the Month: UTAH

Have you noticed that it seems like everyone you know is going to Utah lately? Is that just us? Either way, it’s definitely been a hot spot, and we know exactly why. There are so many amazing things to do in Utah and tons of trips to take nearby states.You simply can’t go wrong with…

May’s Guide Architect of the Month: Kirsten Drew

Each month, we like to showcase someone from the Wild Bum community. This month, as our Guide Architect of the Month feature, we are introducing you to Kirsten Drew! She is the voice behind With Kirsten, where she shares her travel experiences. She’s a fabulous part of the Wild Bum community and we are thrilled…