Category: Community

London at Christmas – Is it as Dreamy as We’re Told?

The winter holiday season is charming for many reasons, but London (and the city’s world-renowned festivities) may just take the cake. For those of you that have already been to England, or simply have it on your must-travel list – you’d be the first to recognize the iconic rolling hills, grey misty winter mornings and…

How to Survive the Holidays Abroad and Away From Loved Ones

Flash back to 2018. (Ahhh those were the days, right?) I was living abroad, in Thailand, and I would be spending the holiday season there. I was traveling solo, and while it wasn’t my first year spending the holidays abroad, I was asked by many people if I was nervous or sad to be spending…

Meet December’s Guide Architect of the Month

Each month, we like to showcase someone from the Wild Bum community. This month, as our Guide Architect of the Month feature, we are introducing you to Gretchen Reese. Tell us a little bit about yourself! I’ll start with the basics here! My name is Gretchen, and I am originally from Minneapolis, Minnesota, though I…

Things That 2020 Has Made Us Extra Thankful For

What a year. We’ve said it (and heard it) a million times, but this really has been a crazy and unpredictable year for everyone. While it may seem that there are so many things we could be upset about or let down by, we have chosen to take a different route.  Instead, we’ve been reflecting,…

Girls Getaway to Houston, Texas

Today on the blog we  have a unique glimpse into our Place of the Month! One of Wild Bum’s very own took a trip to Texas. Our intern Julia recently went on a girls getaway to Houston. She saw and did it all, and lucky for us she’s spilling it all in this very blog…

Get to Know a Wild Bum Guide Architect!

We are so excited to introduce a new addition to the Wild Bum blog. Each month, we will have a Guide Architect of the Month and we will be introducing you one awesome member of our community. We like to call this little feature Q&A with a GA. Our Guide Architects (GA’s) are at the…