Why Sailing Trips Make The Perfect Honeymoon Experience

So you nailed everything from engagement to wedding—you most certainly deserve heartfelt congratulations! Your union was witnessed and celebrated with the love of your friends and family embracing you. Now, it’s time to take the romance between you and your husband or wife up a notch. It’s just the two of you, sharing experiences that…

The Ultimate List of Things to Know Before Going to Thailand

If you haven’t been to Thailand yet, it should certainly be on your bucket list. Thailand is a country unlike any other. From the food and culture to its incredible people and landscapes, it’s a country that’s easy to fall in love with. But, since it’s so unique, it comes with its own set of…

5 Reasons Why You Need to Visit Southeast Asia

Planning to visit Southeast Asia in the near future? Man, are you are in for a treat! This part of the world is a very special place. Many visitors leave feeling inspired and awed by this part of the world. And pretty much everyone we talk to who has spent any time here has fallen…

Thailand Eats: Bangkok Street Food Heaven

After leaving Cambodia, our next stop on our world adventure was Bangkok. Neither of us had ever been before and we weren’t really sure what to expect. Well, our expectations were pretty much true to reality – a wild and crazy city filled with majestic temples, ridiculous amounts of people and a street food scene…

How to Scuba Dive in Koh Tao, Thailand

The beginning of 2019 turned out to be a cold and wet one for me in the UK. This led to me booking a 4 month trip around South East Asia Oct-Jan to soak up some sun and check out the spectacular diving opportunities that are on offer in the region.  My trip has so…

November’s Guide Architect of the Month: Brittney Stubbings

Hello, November! We truly can’t believe we are already into the 2nd to last month of the year. Where has the time gone?! We are getting excited for the holidays and the magic that a new year can bring. But, before we get there we are even more excited to introduce our GA of the…