Are You a Hodophile? Here are 10 Destinations for You!

Let’s be real, we’re all dreaming of the day when it would be totally safe to travel around the world again. I mean, who doesn’t really? Feeling the sun on our skin, the wind on our face, and the sand between our toes have a revitalizing effect which all of us desperately need because of…

July’s Guide Architect of the Month: Marie Utsch

Each month, we like to showcase someone from the Wild Bum community. This month, as our Guide Architect of the Month feature, we are introducing you to July’s Guide Architect of the Month: Marie Utsch! We are so fortunate to have her in our global community and we can’t wait for you to get to…

Meet July’s Place of the Month: Minnesota

If you’ve been around here for a while, you probably already know about this fun little thing we like to call our Place of the Month. If not, don’t sweat it. Allow us to introduce you. Every month, we like to focus on a different place.  This could be a US state, a country, city……

9 Must-Have Fun & Functional Summer Travel Products

Whether you’re using your hard-earned PTO and heading out on an epic family vacation or simply crossing things off your summer bucket list at home, summer brings a whole different set of things to pack. We love items that are fun, yet practical and these are 9 summer travel products that we love. Bonus: most…

What to do with 48 Hours in Utah

“You don’t move to Salt Lake City for the city. You come here for the mountains… the snow… the clean mountain air.” Utah. When you think of it, you probably immediately think of sprawling red rock formations, mountain biking, snow, and ski resorts. But without a car, and with no mountain biking/snowboarding/skiing experience, I wasn’t…

12 Things To Consider For Your Maiden Trip To Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia is a holiday destination that is tempting in so many different ways. You’ll encounter rich, rooted culture, sprawling jungles, busy cities, beautiful beaches, fascinating faith and a great nightlife. But where do you start? With all that on offer it can be tough to know where to get going and how to go…