Meet February’s Guide Architect of the Month!

Each month, we like to showcase someone from the Wild Bum community. This month, as our Guide Architect of the Month feature, we are introducing you to Jaime Brown. Tell us a little bit about yourself! My name is Jaime from Arlington, MA and I’m a mom, wife and serial entrepreneur with a love for…

How To Be A Tourist In Your Own City

Getting away may be the first thing that comes to mind whenever we think about vacations. Most of us eagerly look forward to that special trip to a new place. A trip where you will get to discover the natural, architectural, gastronomic and cultural attractions. A good moment that will make us forget about the…

5 Florida Attractions That Are Actually Worth Visiting

In case you missed it, we are already in the second month of this year! Not sure how that happened, but here we are. You already know the drill. A new month = a new Place of the Month. Throughout February we are excited to be focusing on Florida! And to kick things off, we…

Winter Travel Guides For An Unforgettable Snowglobe Vacation

Sometimes travel during the colder months of the year can seem harder to plan. But, have no fear! We are here to help you plan an unforgettable vacation to the most magical winter wonderlands. Below, you’ll find 4 of Wild Bum’s favorite winter travel guides. All of which would make for the most epic snow-filled…

The Top 5 Benefits to Working While Traveling

As most of us experienced what it’s like to work from home in 2020 due to the pandemic, this year might have you wondering about skipping your home town to WFH in a new location. If it hasn’t crossed your mind yet, this article might be the motivation you need to get out and explore…