4 Travel Guides for an Epic Trip to California

As you already know, our first place of the month for the year is California. California is a diverse state with desert getaways, mountain lakes and sandy beaches. It has a little bit of something for everyone, so make sure to plan a sunny getaway for later this year! Here are 4 of our favorite…

Work From Home Around the World in 2021

As we begin the new year, the idea of combining work and travel are –now more than ever – a cohesive and very real possibility. 2020 gave us a few twists and turns. But, one gem it has left us with was the ability to work from home on the comfort of our sofas. All…

Meet January’s Guide Architect of the Month

Each month, we like to showcase someone from the Wild Bum community. This month, as our Guide Architect of the Month feature, we are introducing you to Cassandra Londono. Tell us a little bit about yourself! I’m from NJ. I am a freelance model and belly dancer and I was working during the day as…

The Future of The Office and Remote Work Programs

Covid-19 has up-rooted life for everyone across the globe. So much has changed in 10 months. Some changes have been difficult, even unbearable. For the most part, human beings are social creatures and we have been forced to turn that off. On the flip side, could there be a silver lining to the pandemic in…

Is Travel Insurance Necessary When You’re Going on a Trip?

Most travelers aren’t aware that travel or trip insurance is an important part of prepping for long trips or traveling abroad. If you are injured in another country, your health insurance may not cover you. This article will go over why having coverage is necessary so you are ready for any disaster, and when it…

New Year, New Place of the Month: California Here We Come!

Ahhhh the start of a fresh new year, and a brand new month. You know what that means… it’s time for a new Place of the Month over here. And we are so excited to announce that January’s place is none other than California. CAL-I-FORN-I-A.   Anyone else instantly dancing and singing “California, knows how…