Tag: Health Benefits of Travel

Skin Care Tips To Know For A Cold Winter Vacation

The changing seasons can take our skin for a ride. In the colder, winter months, for example, you’ll notice that your skin gets extra dry and flaky. That’s because the dry heat indoors, the cold air and winter wind outside, and the low humidity levels rid our skin of moisture — leaving our faces looking…

3 Ways to Feel Refreshed While Traveling

Going on a vacation is a great way to relax, unwind, and forget about the stress of everyday life for a while. It can boost your mood and creativity, and the hope is that you’ll return home with more energy and a positive attitude, ready to face anything and feel refreshed while traveling. Unfortunately, traveling…

6 Reasons to Stop Waiting and Travel NOW

Let’s admit it, sometimes the hardest step of planning a trip is making the decision to actually go. Oftentimes, we dream up vacations, make bucket lists of all the places we’d like to visit and tell ourselves this will be the year we will finally make travel a priority… then it doesn’t happen.  You start…

Unwind from the Grind: Entrepreneurs Tips for a Budget-Friendly Trip

As an entrepreneur or small business owner, you know the importance of saving money whenever possible. However, that doesn’t mean you should deprive yourself of some important downtime. So, stop telling yourself you can’t afford a vacation. Traveling doesn’t have to cost thousands of dollars, or even hundreds of dollars to be a memorable experience.…

Benefits of Using Vacation Days & Taking a Break

(CNN) — Workers in the United States left a record number of vacation days on the table last year, equating to billions in lost benefits, according to research from the U.S. Travel Association, Oxford Economics and Ipsos. A total of 768 million days went unused in 2018, a 9% increase from 2017. If you’re anything…

Staying Healthy Through Stressful Times: Travel and Other Practices

Let’s face it, 2020 was a year that added a lot of stress to all of our lives. And In times of stress, it’s easy for each of us to turn to the elements that comfort us or numb us against whatever’s going on. Many people turn to bad habits, while others simply try to…