Tag: travel and work

Unwind from the Grind: Entrepreneurs Tips for a Budget-Friendly Trip

As an entrepreneur or small business owner, you know the importance of saving money whenever possible. However, that doesn’t mean you should deprive yourself of some important downtime. So, stop telling yourself you can’t afford a vacation. Traveling doesn’t have to cost thousands of dollars, or even hundreds of dollars to be a memorable experience.…

Setting Up a New Temporary Home and Living Abroad

Enter the year 2021, you’re still working from home due to Covid-19, and are in serious need for a change of scenery. The answer may be to pack your bags, hit the road and book a stay where you can get a change of sights, people and food, while hitting your work deadlines.  Working while…

Work From Home Around the World in 2021

As we begin the new year, the idea of combining work and travel are –now more than ever – a cohesive and very real possibility. 2020 gave us a few twists and turns. But, one gem it has left us with was the ability to work from home on the comfort of our sofas. All…