Tag: work and travel

The Truth About Going Corporate to Digital Nomad

I’m Marie, founder of Avec Marie – Events, an event agency that helps bridesmaids plan the perfect bachelorette party for their bride-to-be. Additionally, I freelance as a graphic designer and virtual assistant. Sounds like I have life figured out, right? But my life looked a whole lot different a year ago! Here’s my story of…

Unwind from the Grind: Entrepreneurs Tips for a Budget-Friendly Trip

As an entrepreneur or small business owner, you know the importance of saving money whenever possible. However, that doesn’t mean you should deprive yourself of some important downtime. So, stop telling yourself you can’t afford a vacation. Traveling doesn’t have to cost thousands of dollars, or even hundreds of dollars to be a memorable experience.…

Everything You Need to Know About Tiny Living & Nomadic Lifestyle

When it came time for me to strike out on my own after graduating from college I pondered what the best use of my money would be since I was about to move to a town with sky high rent prices. I came to the conclusion that I’d like to own something, but I wasn’t…

The Top 5 Benefits to Working While Traveling

As most of us experienced what it’s like to work from home in 2020 due to the pandemic, this year might have you wondering about skipping your home town to WFH in a new location. If it hasn’t crossed your mind yet, this article might be the motivation you need to get out and explore…

The Future of The Office and Remote Work Programs

Covid-19 has up-rooted life for everyone across the globe. So much has changed in 10 months. Some changes have been difficult, even unbearable. For the most part, human beings are social creatures and we have been forced to turn that off. On the flip side, could there be a silver lining to the pandemic in…