London is for Foodies!

When my husband and I went to London last October we knew we had 5 nights of dinner reservations and I wanted to make each one amazing. And, to clarify, when I say amazing I don’t mean expensive! I mean memorable and delicious. For us food is a significant part of our travel experiences. I get super excited to research the best restaurants to eat at and that includes which ones are a staple and those that might be hot and new! But, I do my due diligence. I read a ton of reviews, blog posts and so on (easy for a Guide Architect!). Reviews are tricky because you never know who is doing the reviewing, right? What one person dislikes another might love. But, if you spend enough time doing travel research you use your intuition (and, patience to sift through it all) and usually this leads to an incredible experience.
If you’re on a budget you might take it easy for breakfast and lunch and feel more comfortable spending a slightly more on dinner. Or, vice versa! I mean, who doesn’t love a good brunch?!

After our trip to London I had many people asking me why the food was so good. They either had a very different experience or they heard that the food wasn’t all that great there. Here is the deal. I make reservations. I research ahead of time! I don’t walk into any old pub on the corner. I am sure they are just fine, but I prefer to spend our time, money and calories where there is really, really good food. This means that we are getting in to the tiny place that has eleven seats at chef’s counter in the basement of a building! Where they base their daily menu on what their fishmonger caught that morning and what vegetables were fresh at the market. It’s these types of places that feel special and that pride themselves on creating an incredible foodie experience. My mouth still waters when I think of our meal there. And, it’s not just the food…it’s the atmosphere, the people, the entire experience. In those places I meet locals who shared their favorite spots, some on my list, others not! I wish my stomach could handle all of the food I wanted to eat in London…good thing you walk it off!

We ate at amazing Indian spots, a BBQ joint in Shoreditch, a scrumptious fresh pasta spot that that was bustling at lunch time! We ate incredible food at an Israeli spot that had a take on a 50s diner. The list goes on. Do not underestimate the food scene in London!

I am not sure if things have changed that much over the years…or, if it just takes spending the time to research the yummiest spots…that is where Wild Bum comes in. If you don’t have the patience, time nor energy to sift the web, grab your Wild Bum Guide from a real person’s real travels! They have you covered. Now, let’s eat!

Happy #wildbumming!

When my husband and I went to London last October we knew we had 5 nights of dinner reservations and I wanted to make each one amazing. And, to clarify, when I say amazing I don’t mean expensive! I mean memorable and delicious. For us food is a significant part of our travel experiences. I…