Author: Mollie Krengel

Solo Travel: Redefined (Part Three)

If you happened to stumble upon parts one and two of this Solo Travel: Redefined trilogy, here I am with the final recap of my first solo trip. Leaving behind my partner and three kids, I embarked on a week of adventuring alone. No girlfriends, nada. As you can likely imagine, the week was absolutely…

Solo Travel: Redefined (Part Two)

I decided to turn these posts into a series of three. The first prior to my travels, the second during and the last will come after I’ve returned home. I wanted to reflect, mid-week, while this is all fresh in mind! And, what an experience it has been…more amazing than I could have ever imagined.…

Solo Travel: Redefined (Part One)

I am currently writing this blog post a few days out from my first official solo adventure. And, I am not writing it from the perspective of someone who is single and/or traveling ‘solo’ to join a group experience. Don’t get me wrong – I have a special place in my heart for group travel…

Don’t Travel for Happiness, Travel for Joy

I want to begin this article by clarifying a few important keynotes regarding the difference between happiness and joy, as well as the type of travel I am referring to. Joy is cultivated internally, whereas happiness is externally triggered. Joy is more long-lasting and it exists inside each one of us – waiting to be…

Does Travel Have The Power To Heal Trauma?

Admittedly, trauma is a complicated and a vast subject. There are many forms of trauma, emotional and physical, and we cannot begin to say what works to heal one person will be impactful for another. However, there is a plethora of research on ways to heal trauma and I believe that travel in itself is…

Sisterhood and Travel

Many of you know that in addition to creating Wild Bum, I have the absolute privilege of curating and guiding retreats for women with my company Wild Hive. I’ve dedicated the past decade to utilizing music, dance and my background in Human Biology / Positive Psychology to build + unite community, provoke our wild and…