Why a Kenya Adventure With Kids is a Magical Experience!

Kenya Safari

I am sitting at Saruni Mara, the fourth stop on our Kenya adventure, taking in the gorgeous mountains, while listening to birds chirp and a friendly Eland roams the grounds – reflecting on what has been an absolutely magical experience thus far. We only have one night left in this beautiful country. Of course – all good things must come to an end. This trip was better than we could have ever imagine.

Culture in Kenya

Our Itinerary

We started our travels in Israel so we had already been away from home for 10 days before we reached Kenya. Our Kenya portion was 12 days. I wish it was longer! But, work calls…and, the kids start school only 9 days after we return home. Note that we booked our adventure with Extraordinary Journeys.


Destinations –

  • We flew into Nairobi. Our accommodations, Karen Gables, were absolutely lovely in the suburb called Karen. It is such a beautiful home with incredible staff. This mansion’s doors offer an amazing retreat from the craziness in Nairobi’s city center. Karen is a beautiful area of Nairobi. A stark contrast from the city center – which is filled with people, trash and quite a bit of crime – although, we were told that efforts are underway to make it safer for tourists. *A must experience is to book a walking tour with Nai Nami which will gives an insider’s perspective of the city center – run by former street boys. It was an amazing 3 hour tour. And, a big highlight was dinner at Talisman. SO SO good.
  • From Nairobi we flew to Northern Kenya and had a magical stay at Saruni Samburu. Our accommodations could not have been more perfect for our family of five. Set high on a mountain overlooking the Kalama Conservancy…it was incredible.
  • From there a guide drove us to the area of Lasaba Conservancy in the Laikipia region. We stayed at Ol Malo and it was a dream. The Hippo Cottage is perfection for a family. And, the lodge is something special. More on that later.
  • From that region we flew to the south to the well known area of Mara North or Masai Mara. Staying again at a Saruni property noted above – in their private family villa, once the owner, Riccardo’s, personal home. With our own set of staff and the ability to eat meals in our house – it is an experience like none we’ve ever had before!


*Length in Each*

We spent 3 nights in each location. It was perfect.

Family Travel Kenya


As I mentioned – Nairobi was a brief stop for us, so we primarily took the walking tour (fabulous for all ages), did some shopping and ate amazing food. We also wanted downtime to enjoy Karen Gables.

Once on safari – the options range from early morning game drives, afternoon game drives, night drives…something they call Sundowners – where they pack favorite beverages and bring you to a spot enjoy the sunset. On game drives you can expect a picnic breakfast or lunch, snacks and incredible guides who spot everything from a lion hunting prey, to cheetahs feasting on gazelle…it’s a truly remarkable experience.

And, while the Big 5 initially made us quite nervous, we quickly learned that the Guides would never put us in danger and the animals are AH-mazing. It’s awe-inspiring, truly.

Equally as magical – sitting around a fire playing cards, charades or srcabble!

At Ol Malo we went horseback riding, rode camels and went on walks. We learned so much about the culture of various tribes. We highly encourage you to visit a village! The Samburu tribe awaits to show you their traditional dance, welcome you into their homes and serve hot chai tea over the fire!

Kenya Village


The village we visited in Samburu did charge $20 per person. This went directly to their community. They also sell beaded jewelry and housewares. You do not have to buy anything, although, we felt slightly obligated. In Laikipia we had a very authentic village experience. They did not charge us – although, here we had the privilege of raising close to $12,000 to re-open their school run by the Samburu Trust. We were able to spend time with the kids and teachers! We walked with them to the school (cannot believe how far they havce to walk!) and cleaned the classrooms. It was a life-changing experience for the five of us.

I’d also like to mention that be prepared, especially when we were in Laikipia, for the flies. They surround the village and what oftens feels like hundreds are sitting on kids’ faces – in their eyes, mouths, all over really. It was hard to see, but they did not seem bothered by it in the least!

Family Safari Trip

Saving for a Safari Experience

SO…we are known to prioritize travel. I’ll take an adventure to unknown territory over most material things, any day! And, when our twins decided that they wanted to go to Kenya in celebration of their Bar & Bat Mitzvah, we were secretly THRILLED, to say the least. We are always very careful as not to push the kids into making decisions based on what we want, so we didn’t want to sway their choice. But, I can safely and enthusiastically say that it was THE best decision.

A Bar and Bat Mitzvah celebration is usually marked by leading a service at synagogue in front of family, friends and many many strangers and then hosting several meals and a big party. Instead of that, our budget went to Israel and Kenya! Of course we saved for almost two years once their decision had been made. But, as any traveler knows – travel is the gift that keeps on giving. It will, no doubt, have an impact on all of our lives forever. It has been such a meaningful experience. Not to mention the positive impact it had on their growing brains. Even as adults the benefits of travel are boundless – but, in kids, it is truly mind-blowing.

*Tip* Start a savings account and start chipping away – you will not regret it!

Family Trip to Kenya

Hospitality in Kenya

Expect people to go above and beyond to ensure you have an incredible experience. I’ve never had this kind of service anywhere. At Ol Malo – it felt like one big family. George, a kind sweet gentleman, who played with the kids, made the perfect Dawa (a traditional Kenyan cocktail) and constantly made sure we were comfortable. Ol Malo had so many tricks up their sleeve with the most pictureque picnic spots, a Kenyan BBQ cooking class and even arranging meals in our cottage so we could rest and enjoy.

Expect hot water bottles to warm your beds at night. Breakfast, hot chocolate and tea served every morning in your room/cottage at wake up, even before breakfast.

People remember your names. They took such great care of the kids. I know that Liam, Ella and Rafi will be talking about this experience for the rest of their lives. As will Roy and I.

Guides who will teach your kids about medicinal plants, all the different animal poo (Hussain, our Guide at Ol Malo, even put it in his mouth to teach the kids how to tell the gender, YUCK!), how to read the ‘bush newspaper’ aka follow the animal prints in the ground to know what’s been happening, and more.

Kenya Travel Blog


GO! It’s a dream. IThere is so much culture, education and magical experiences to be had. While I am excited to return home with renewed focus and a broadened perspective – part of my heart will forever be in Kenya. Until next time…

Happy #wildbumming!



I am sitting at Saruni Mara, the fourth stop on our Kenya adventure, taking in the gorgeous mountains, while listening to birds chirp and a friendly Eland roams the grounds – reflecting on what has been an absolutely magical experience thus far. We only have one night left in this beautiful country. Of course –…