2021: Travel Resolutions For The New Year

New Year, New Travel Inspo!

Lessons Learned from 2020

Reflecting on 2020, it is really important to understand all of the aspects that you have learned from and what you are going to take away into the years to come, especially 2021! 2020 has taught us that when we are faced with challenge and change, we are able to overcome this shift and make the most of what we can control. More importantly, 2020 taught us to be grateful for what we have in our lives and to never take what we have for granted.

How to Make the Most of 2021

With that being said, you can make the most of 2021 by focusing on the things that are most important to you and making that a priority. Traveling is something that we cherish and we never knew how much we loved it until it was taken away from so many. Going into 2021, we need to remember to be grateful for the people in our lives and the experiences that make us happy. In order to do this, it is important to remember to only put time and energy towards the things that we love.

2021 Travel Resolutions

A few travel resolutions to take into 2021…

Do what makes you happy, with the people you love!

Focus on what you can control- if you have the ability to travel, make the time for it.

Say yes to any adventure- whether this is a staycation, road trip, or booking an impulsive flight.

Take advantage of any opportunity to explore and travel, near or far. 

Create new experiences and try new things.

Be curious and open to new opportunities.

Consume travel content through books, blogs, and podcasts.

Appreciate the world you live in.

Spend more time in nature and away from technology.

Save your money to spend towards experiences, rather than material items.

Journal about your experiences and share them with others.

Stay healthy and safe in order to experience more. 

Make traveling a priority! 

Travel in 2021 will surely look different to that of 2020, and we can’t wait to see people getting back out there to explore the world! If you’re planning a winter trip, be sure to check out our favorite winter destinations in this post. And when planning your next getaway, don’t forget to check out all of Wild Bum’s unique travel guides to make the planning process easy.

About the Author

Julia Bauer is a senior at the University of Minnesota, studying Finance and Analytics. She was Wild Bum’s amazing intern and is currently the VP of Recruitment for her sorority as well as the Analytics Associate for Women in Business at the U. She has a love for learning new things in regards to personal and professional development. In her free time she enjoys reading and listening to podcasts, going for walks and runs, yoga, and playing tennis. She loves any quality, genuine time spent with my loved ones, and of course, all things travel.

New Year, New Travel Inspo! Lessons Learned from 2020 Reflecting on 2020, it is really important to understand all of the aspects that you have learned from and what you are going to take away into the years to come, especially 2021! 2020 has taught us that when we are faced with challenge and change,…