How to Plan For Your Perfect Babymoon

Similar to how a honeymoon is a celebratory vacation, a babymoon is a vacation you take right before delivering your baby. It is a way to celebrate the homecoming of your new baby and to spend quality time with yourself or your spouse before taking on the new trials of parenthood. 

A babymoon is essentially one final child-free extravaganza before your new permanent housemate moves in. Being pregnant can be chaotic with all the pregnancy symptoms, doctor’s appointments, and prepping the house for the baby.

You are usually in overdrive during those nine to 10 months before the baby arrives, and taking a small trip is a great way to unwind and prepare for the new bundle of joy. Plus, things are only bound to get more chaotic once the baby arrives, so why not take advantage of your last baby-free days?

Taking a road trip is a great option for this type of vacation since flying can be risky if you are closer to 30 weeks in your pregnancy. Being said, having a little guidance with planning your babymoon road trip and how to find the best auto rental insurance can make this process a lot less nerve-racking during a time that is already stressful. 

Planning Your Trip For The Right Time

The second trimester, between 14 and 27 weeks pregnant, is the best period for a babymoon. During this semester you’ve gotten past nausea, your belly is not too large to get around with, and third-trimester exhaustion hasn’t kicked in yet. 

Plus, you get to take advantage of vacation days well before you go on maternity leave, and taking a break from work can be beneficial. Another advantage of traveling earlier during pregnancy is that flying may still be possible.

Some airlines have limits on traveling in the weeks leading up to delivery, so check with your carrier’s policy before booking your flights.

Is it safe to fly while pregnant?

Flying is typically safe until around 30 weeks of pregnancy in a healthy pregnancy. In the U.S., most airlines allow pregnant women to fly domestically before the 36th week of their pregnancy. Some overseas flights have a 28-week travel restriction.

However, if you have complications with your pregnancy, like preeclampsia, high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, higher risk of preterm labor, or a history of loss of pregnancy or miscarriage, you should avoid flying. 

Though flying is generally safe during pregnancy and the air pressure is less likely to make pregnancy complications worse, being in the air can make it difficult to get medical care immediately should something go wrong.

It takes a bit longer to make an emergency landing in an airplane than it would for an ambulance to get to you. A woman with a high-risk pregnancy is more likely to need emergency medical assistance than a mother-to-be who has a healthier pregnancy.

Additionally, taking a road trip is generally safer because you can go into labor at any time. However, the decision to fly or drive to your babymoon is solely based on your comfort and your specific pregnancy. 

I have flown and driven to different locations while pregnant with my now 3-year-old daughter and it did not make my high-risk pregnancy any more complicated than it already was.

Picking Your Babymoon Destination 

Choose a location that appeals to you and your partner, unless you are traveling alone. Be sure that your location allows you to rest and recuperate while still being a fun and exciting experience. 

Whether you want to relax on the beach or have a night out in the town with your partner before taking on parenthood, pick a place that allows you to unwind at some point during the day. 

Your pregnant body won’t be able to handle an entire day of partying or being adventurous out on the town. You also want to choose a place that is not too far from your home. A journey with two or more layovers on a plane or a car ride that is more than eight hours may be torture for your pregnant body.

Pick a good babymoon location that is within a reasonable driving distance, such as four or five hours, and make a point of stopping every hour to stretch your legs, use the restroom, and move about. Taking a glance at some U.S. road trip guides can help you choose a good destination during the summer.

Babymoon Destinations to Avoid

Avoid taking a cruise since getting to your departure location may require many forms of transportation and you risk experiencing constant seasickness throughout the entire trip.

Lastly, as a general rule, avoid traveling to developing nations. Pregnant women and those who are trying to conceive should avoid going to areas where there has been a Zika outbreak, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). 

Since the Zika virus can cause serious birth problems in newborns whose moms are infected, it’s better to be careful and double-check that your location is free of it.

Make Sure Medical Help Is Close

When there’s no language barrier, dealing with a medical crisis is a lot simpler, so plan your babymoon in a place where practically everyone speaks a language you are familiar with. Moreover, regardless of the nation you visit, make contact with potential hotels you intend on staying at to inquire about medical care nearby.

Once you’ve completed your research, review your plans with your ob-gyn or midwife to make sure they give you the green light. Also, be sure to have your doctor’s office numbers and your insurance information on hand at all times.

Picking Auto Rental Insurance For Your Babymoon Road Trip 

The best route to take when acquiring auto rental insurance is to use the primary coverage offered by your own vehicle insurance policy, backed up by the supplementary coverage offered by your credit card used to reserve your rental.

However, before settling for this option, make sure you understand the coverage given by your policy and credit card. Alternatively, some travel insurance policies cover rental insurance, so double-check that you are not already paying for auto rental insurance if you are purchasing travel insurance.

Another option, though least favorable, is to buy coverage offered by your car rental agency. Although purchasing this coverage is the simplest option because you can sign up when making your reservation or at the counter when picking up the rental, it is typically always the most expensive route.

No matter what option you choose, make sure the policy covers expenses that the rental agency may impose following damage to the rented car, such as loss of use of the car while it is being repaired, lost value of the rental car, towing, and administrative costs.

You should also ensure the insurance covers all types of rental cars like SUVs and luxury cars and will pay for a new car to replace a rental that is severely damaged during your vacation.

Make the Most of Your Babymoon Vacation

Having personal time will be a distant memory in a couple of months, so take advantage of your babymoon to pamper yourself. Book a relaxing facial or a prenatal massage, dine at a high-end restaurant, go outlet shopping, or just stay at an all-inclusive resort and take advantage of all the amenities. 

These following few months are likely to be your final chance to spend quality time alone with yourself or your spouse for a long time. So savor your remaining shreds of sanity with intimacy and leisure.

About the Author

Imani Francies writes and researches for the car insurance comparison site, She enjoys writing travel advice articles and ensuring her readers have proper insurance coverage for their vacations.

Similar to how a honeymoon is a celebratory vacation, a babymoon is a vacation you take right before delivering your baby. It is a way to celebrate the homecoming of your new baby and to spend quality time with yourself or your spouse before taking on the new trials of parenthood.  A babymoon is essentially…