How to Safely Be a Female Solo Traveler

How to Safely Be a Female Solo Traveler

Whether you are in it to meet new people in new places, to go where you want with no strings attached, or you just want to get out of your comfort zone, there are many benefits to solo travel. However, even though you are a strong and independent woman, your safety needs to be the priority when traveling alone.

From proper packing and preparation, to safety behind the wheel on a solo road trip, there are many tactics that you can use during your adventure to see the sights without putting yourself or your belongings at risk. To help you out, we have created this guide of best practices to ensure a happy and healthy trip.

Preparing for Your Travel

If you are reading this and thinking to yourself that you would never take a trip alone, then you may want to reconsider. There are many great reasons to plan a solo vacation. For starters, you will have ultimate flexibility to go wherever you want and see everything without anyone holding you back. You can also get out of your comfort zone and essentially force yourself to meet new people, and you never know when these individuals could turn into friends for life.

Once you decide to take a trip, you need to start by being smart about what you pack. Take some time to research the climate of your destination so you can pack the proper clothes, and if you’ll need sunscreen or bug spray, then pack accordingly. In general, you will want to pack proper clothing options and comfortable shoes that will take you anywhere from an outlet mall to a hike up a mountainside.

You should also take some time to research your destination so you have a plan and you can avoid potential danger. First, you should look up directions from the airport to your hotel and to the activities that you plan to enjoy so you don’t get lost. You should also heavily research your lodgings to make sure they have good ratings and that you will be staying in a safe area. 

Safely Getting From Here to There

If you plan to do a lot of moving about during your trip, then you will want to be cautious about how you get from point A to B. This is especially important if you will be in a less densely populated area where help may not always be nearby. If you are planning on taking a solo road trip in your own vehicle, then be sure to pack an emergency kit that will include first aid supplies, a flashlight, an extra cell phone or battery, and extra food and water in case you break down and need to wait for help.

In addition to the emergency kit, there are other tips that solo female drivers might consider during the trip. For instance, make sure that your vehicle is well maintained before you leave and check the tire pressure at every stop. When you are driving, keep your doors locked and never pick up a stranger under any circumstance. Whenever you park, take a moment to look around at your surroundings and find easily identifiable markers so you won’t get lost. It is also a wise idea to back into your packing spots so you can easily leave when the time comes.

You also need to be safe when getting around a new city. Always have a clear idea of how to get where you are going before you leave the hotel and try to move around during the day whenever possible so you can spot your destination easily and avoid trouble in the process. If you plan to take a tour bus, then research the company ahead of time to ensure that it is run by a legit business, and if you notice that the driver is reckless while on the road, then ask to depart. Never hitchhike or get a ride from people you don’t know well.

Protect Your Valuables and Yourself

Since you are traveling solo, you may not feel comfortable leaving all of your money and valuables in the hotel while you are out and about, so you will want to take other precautions. Pickpockets can steal the contents of your purse or bag without you having any clue, so wear these items in front of you. Don’t worry about looking overly cautious. It is better to be safe than sorry. Make sure to lock larger valuables that you cannot take with you into the hotel safe or a locker, so they stay secure. 

It is also a good idea to stash your money and valuables in many different areas, so if you are robbed, you will still be able to save some of your cash and resources. So, that may mean keeping a card and some cash in your purse, a cash reserve in your shoe, and an emergency card in a front pocket. 

You also need to take the proper steps to protect yourself from the possibility of attack while you are touring your destination. While you do want to meet new people, you don’t want to attract the wrong attention, so avoid drinking too much and be cautious of the people you meet. If they show any red flags or ask for private information, go elsewhere. You should also dress comfortably but avoid overly flashy clothes so you don’t attract unwanted attention.

In the end, while it is important to be safe, it is also important to have fun. Consider the tips discussed here but take some time to let loose and enjoy yourself. It is sure to be an adventure that you won’t soon forget.

Whether you are in it to meet new people in new places, to go where you want with no strings attached, or you just want to get out of your comfort zone, there are many benefits to solo travel. However, even though you are a strong and independent woman, your safety needs to be the…