Are You Ready To Live Independently?

Are You Ready To Live Independently?

Moving out of your childhood home or shared flat is a big step towards complete independence. The idea of living on your own is nerve-wracking, especially if you’re someone who’s been accustomed to sharing a living space. But it can also be an exciting experience as you move toward adulthood.

The freedom that comes with living alone is unmatched. You set your own rules and get the solitude and privacy you need. It can also be empowering and will help you learn more about yourself.

On the other hand, solo living can be difficult. You’ll have to take care of yourself, do house chores, stay on top of bills, and tend to other responsibilities that come with it.

So, how do you know if you’re ready to live on your own? This article will help you determine if you are with these four factors. It will also discuss other pros and cons of living alone to help you decide if independent living is for you.

You’ve Been Thinking About Going Solo

A tell-tale sign of you being ready to live independently is when you start thinking about it. You start wondering what it’s like to have a home that you can confidently say is yours, or what it is to have total control of everything that goes on around the house.

You may also start seeking the freedom to do what you want without worrying if your family members or housemates are interfering. It could also be the other way around, where you can do your thing in your own space and not think if it will bother someone else.

You Don’t Mind Being Alone

Living on your own brings a different kind of solitude compared to being alone in your room or being left in the house for the weekend. To live independently means you will wake up, leave, and come home to an empty house until you have a companion again.

Some people might find this idea sad, if not unbearable. It makes them feel lonely and disconnected from the world — which is normal since humans thrive on social interactions.

However, if you find yourself comfortable with the prospect of being by yourself for long periods without feeling lonely, then you might be fine with living alone. Being at peace with the thought that your only companion will be yourself is a sign that you are ready to live independently.

You Have the Right Life Skills

Aside from being comfortable when you’re alone, you should also have the capacity to take care of yourself and your space. This means you must have the right life skills to survive living on your own, which includes cooking a proper meal, basic housekeeping, and knowing how to fix broken things around your home. 

Knowing how to cook proper meals ensures you get the nutrition and energy you need to function every day. It will also help you maintain a healthy lifestyle and prevent you from having health issues.

On top of your cooking skills, you should also know how to prepare and store food properly. This knowledge ensures that your food is safe for consumption and that it will not go to waste.

Meanwhile, knowing basic housekeeping is essential for maintaining a clean and comfortable environment at home. Having a cozy atmosphere will also make your abode feel like a safe space where you can be at ease.

Maintaining and fixing your home is another essential life skill to have when living alone. Appliances, pieces of furniture, and other items around your home are bound to break or malfunction at some point, so you must know how to fix them (or at least know who to turn to for repairs).

Perhaps the most important life skill you’ll need is knowing how to create and stick to a budget. This will help you figure out your long-term goals and ensure that you are always on top of your expenses.

You Are Financially Stable

Being on your own entails you doing things by yourself, which includes paying for all your expenditures. So, if you have your finances in order, it shows that you are prepared to live independently.

You should be able to pay your bills on time and save up in case of an emergency without feeling burdened. Having little to no debt is also a sign that you are in a positive financial situation since you’ll have extra funds to cover urgent situations, investments, and other possible expenses.

Additionally, being financially stable also means being able to do fun activities like traveling or ticking off the things on your bucket list. These are instances when you might spend a little bit too much, but you don’t worry or feel guilty about it since you’re confident that your budget can easily accommodate extra expenses.

Pros and Cons of Living Independently

Aside from the four factors stated above, you should also consider the pros and cons of being on your own to determine if you are ready to live independently.

Pros of Solo Living

  • Improve problem-solving skills

Living alone can help you enhance your abilities to address household issues, from home repairs to dealing with emergencies. And since you’ll only have yourself to depend on most of the time, it’s important to be quick on your feet when a problem arises.

  • Enhance Your Self-Awareness

There are things you might not know about yourself that you’ll only discover when you start living on your own. With no one to distract you, you’ll start to become aware of things about yourself that you didn’t notice before. It could be strengths and weaknesses or habits and personalities that affect how you deal with yourself and other people.

  • You’ll have complete independence

Perhaps the best thing about living alone is that you have total freedom to do whatever you like at home. You don’t have to answer to anyone other than yourself nor worry if the decision you’ll make will affect them in some way.

Con of Solo Living

  • You are responsible for everything

From paying your monthly bills to doing house chores, all of these responsibilities will fall on you. You’ll have to keep these bases covered to ensure that your home is running smoothly. If you’re living on a weekly or monthly payment basis, make sure that you budget it correctly to ensure that all your expenses are met.

  • It can be lonely

Being on your own means you won’t have anyone to talk to all the time. Sure, you can call up friends and family, but it’s different when you can physically see them while conversing. It might take a while for you to adjust if you’re someone who craves company.

  • Boredom

Once you settle down and the high of freedom starts to wane, you’ll eventually feel a little bored with your solo routine. When you can’t go out or spend time with your loved ones, you’ll have to find new ways to entertain yourself.


Living alone for the first time is a milestone that you should be excited about. On the other hand, it’s also a big leap that you should consider carefully before making the jump. There is no need to rush, though, so take all the time you need to think about whether you’re ready to start living on your own or still prefer to stay with your loved ones.

Moving out of your childhood home or shared flat is a big step towards complete independence. The idea of living on your own is nerve-wracking, especially if you’re someone who’s been accustomed to sharing a living space. But it can also be an exciting experience as you move toward adulthood. The freedom that comes with…