Author: Bash Sarmiento

Exploring the Benefits of Travel-Focused Lending Apps for Budget-Conscious Travelers

Traveling can be an enriching experience, but it can also be expensive. From flights to accommodations, food to activities, the costs can quickly add up. Fortunately, there are now travel-focused lending apps that can help budget-conscious travelers make their dream trips a reality.  Of course, it’s important to be smart when it comes to loans.…

Are You Ready To Live Independently?

Moving out of your childhood home or shared flat is a big step towards complete independence. The idea of living on your own is nerve-wracking, especially if you’re someone who’s been accustomed to sharing a living space. But it can also be an exciting experience as you move toward adulthood. The freedom that comes with…

7 Activities Worth Adding To Your Bucket List

If you’re someone who’s still not sure what you want to do or achieve in life, perhaps it’s time to create a bucket list. A bucket list is essentially a catalog of things that you want to accomplish before you kick the bucket, hence the term. Most people will put places they wish to travel…

What Is The Best Age To Travel With A Child?

If you enjoy traveling long distances and have a kid with you. You must prepare their food, get a good supply of nappies, and even prep sustainable feeding accessories. However, is it truly smart to travel with your child, whatever their age is? Or is there an ideal age to travel with kids? While kids…

10 Ways To Balance Work And Travel With A Toddler

As a working parent, balancing work and family life can be challenging at times. Being away from your kid during the work day is still a little rough and staying away for longer periods for a work trip may seem like a mammoth task.  You decide to travel with your toddler, and ultimately the whole…

How To Avoid Sunburn And Eye Strain While Traveling This Summer

The sun is out—and so are the bodily conditions and problems that stem from it. Summer is supposed to be a fun time filled with traveling and hanging out with family and friends, but the effects of the sun can quickly ruin everything if we’re not careful enough.  Don’t let the sun steal all of…