Author: Mollie Krengel

Solo Travel

I met my husband when I was eighteen years old. He’s the best thing that has ever happened to me, but I went from travel with my parents and sometimes girlfriends, to traveling with my partner, now spouse. It took me many years, decades really, until I took my first solo trip. Now I don’t…

Do you have a Passport?

Did you know that there was a rumor going around the world (yes, I said the world!) that only 10% of U.S. Citizens hold passports?! Thankfully this has not been true for around twenty years. The last statistic tracked was 42% of Americans held passports in 2017. And, they predict this number to increase each…

What sparked the idea for Wild Bum?

My first “baby” is called Wildhive (well, technically its my fourth if you count my three real babies and one dog!!). Wildhive is a grassroots movement that began from a deep yearning to live with more adventure and meaning. And, as you might have guessed – full of wild celebration! My background in Human Biology and…

How Does Travel Reduce Risks of Depression?

We all have become well aware that certain things reduce our chance of depression: activity/fitness, strong relationships, creative outlets, even the food we consume and so on. However, the science is building up around travels positive impact on our mental health. We are here to emphasize that travel is not a luxury, rather an essential…

Travel is More Than Pretty Pictures on Instagram…

Instagram (and other social platforms) is inundated with travel photos and inspiration. Sure, this is lovely and definitely ignites my wanderlust. But, does anyone else find that often times the images are a little too unrealistic? Or, perhaps it gets frustrating because there’s enough inspiration, we want to know how to get there! The web…

Saving your precious time…and your sanity!

When I hear this from a customer, “I purchased the Isla guide and I’m so looking forward to spending more time reading through it. At first glance, holy cow, it’s so comprehensive! I just know all the other girls in my group will be so thankful that I have this and that basically, our research…