Category: Community

8 Tips for Taking Better Photos While Traveling

  How to Take Great Photos Anywhere: A Comprehensive Guide with Tips and Tricks for Better Photography On-The-Go. Have you ever wanted to get amazing photos on your vacation? Perhaps you have an upcoming trip planned and want to ensure that your memories will be captured to perfection. Whatever the case might be, you’ve come…

Four Road Trips to Take This Year

Ready to hit the roads and breathe that fresh air? We’ve got four Road Trip Travel Guides for you to consider, with the opportunity to social distance, and stay safe while fueling your wanderlust. Here we go! Highlights – Sled at White Sands National Park. Explore Carlsbad Cavern. Relax in a hot spring. Enjoy the…

Time to hit the Road!

If you’re itching to start traveling again, we highly recommend doing it via road trip! If you’re thinking, “wow, that sounds like a lot of planning,” don’t sweat! Our Guide Architects have got you covered 😉 Did we convince you to start loading up the car? Hooray! Here are a few fun ideas… Midwest U.S. Traveling to Minnesota’s…

Five Top Travel Tips from Wild Bum Guide Architects

Travel Tip No. 1 Guide Architect Sam Whillock (@jackpineandthyme): Pack less and see more! It’s plain and simple. When I was on an annual trip to Mexico City, we decided to go to Oaxaca for a few days and I had traveled with a HUGE suitcase for a week-long trip as well as my camera…

A little piece of RV life

When I think about our “first home” I get re-excited thinking about how it’s been our home all over the North American continent for the past 2 years. From the top to bottom renovations in the dead of winter, to our first road trip to Arches National Park, being stationary in a waterfront spot in…

Wild Bum in the News: OutwitTrade! As a travel devotee and community advocate, travel is very near and dear to my heart. It isn’t just a part of my profession, it is my life! At Wild Bum, we believe travel is not a luxury, but rather an essential part of our health and well-being. Let me count the ways travel…