Check Out Our Newest Travel Guides!

We are always adding new and exciting travel guides to Wild Bum. With over 600 Guide Architects from across the globe, we have experts on places from the San Juan Islands off the coast of Seattle, Washington to what it’s like to eat in Tokyo, Japan. When you begin planning your next trip, be sure…

4 Quick Stops to Add to Your Road Trip Through Nevada

You spend hours upon hours planning your perfect road trip, but no matter how hard your try there is always that one stretch that’s just plain boring. You’re just trying to get from Point A to Point B and you have to drive for miles and miles of nothingness.  Nevada is notorious for being part…

9 Authentic Foods You Must Try in Mexico

As we continue with Mexico as our place of the month for October, we knew we had to talk about the delicious, authentic foods that you will find there. Trust us, there’s no shortage of flavorful cuisine options when it comes to visiting this country. While there are endless foods you could try in Mexico,…

What’s it Like to Fly During COVID?

Wild Bum founder, Mollie, recently took a trip that required flying. We thought it would be helpful to readers to share with you what it’s really like to fly right now. With things in life (especially when it comes to travel) being so uncertain, we want to share one person’s experience, in hopes that it…

4 Mexico Travel Guides

With Mexico being our place of the month, it’s only right that we share some pointers on traveling to this beautiful country with you. Below, you’ll find 4 of Wild Bum’s favorite guides created by our very own Guide Architects for travel to Mexico. These 4 guides will give you insight to 4 very different…

8 Tips to Demystify Wine Tasting

This guest post on 8 Tips to Demystify Wine Tasting was written by our guide architect, Jim Fatzinger. He and his wife owned a condo in Windsor for 7 years and lived there full-time for 3 of those years. So, we are lucky to get these insider tips. If you are planning a trip out…