Life in the Time of Coronavirus

As I sit here on a quiet Sunday morning and I think about the past few weeks, I cannot believe how much life has changed. If you had told me six weeks ago that a virus would sweep the entire globe, shut everything down and we would be on a “shelter in place” order from…

Hotel Workouts You Can Do on Vacation

Vacations are typically a time when we take a break from our daily routine. We can let go of the stress of normal life and take a step back from reality. This break from our schedule is important for our mental health, but it’s important to make sure that our physical health doesn’t suffer along the…

6 Ways to Keep Those Travel Dreams Alive During Quarantine

We all may be cooped up in our homes during these strange times, but that shouldn’t keep us from fueling that travel fire (while still keeping that social distance)! There are plenty of things you can do to keep you busy at home – yes, do the workouts, drink the water, call the friends, read…

How to start forest-bathing

The great news about forest-bathing is that you can do it in any weather during any season. And, during this unique season of social distancing, there is no better time to pick up nature walks than right now. Here’s our guide on how to start forest-bathing. History and Interesting Stats of Forest-Bathing Did you know…

Before, During, and After Studying Abroad

Students all around the world are blessed with the opportunity to study abroad throughout their educational careers. This offers individuals a wide range of new experiences while immersing themselves in a completely new culture. The benefits of studying abroad are endless! In order to truly benefit from studying abroad, here are a few tips to…

Tips for Traveling as a New Mom While Nursing

Welcoming a new baby is an amazing feeling and journey. However, being a new mom is also tough and I didn’t want to stop enjoying life – including my love for travel. Saying yes to taking a trip without the babies can feel scary, but in my experience, it is so rewarding and worth it!…