Top 5 Ways to Travel Responsibly

What is Responsible Travel? (definition by UPSIDE) Responsible travel is being socially and culturally aware when you travel, understanding your affect on the places you visit and trying to make that affect a positive one. How do you practice responsible travel? Post your practices and ideas below! If you’re new to responsible travel take a…

First Time International Traveler Questions Answered!

Ahoy friends. I just booked another flight, YAY! To Ireland and Scotland, DOUBLE YAY! This trip is going to be so fun because my friend who is coming with us has never been out of the country. This is her first international trip! As we were booking our flights last night, she starting hitting me…

Travel Apps You Should Download Right Now

FLIGHTS HOPPER An app that makes it feel like you have your own personal travel agent. You can look up flights through airports you want to fly through and set them to be “watched.” Your saved trips will send you notifications when deals are available or prices start to rise. Hopper is a great way to…

A Girl With a Plan

Steph’s take on taking a big leap. Being a lifelong planner, most of my life has been mapped out since I was 8 years old. I am your typical type A, follow the well-worn path, kind of girl. Every decision I made was calculated based on what the next 5 decisions would be. I liked…

Pack it ‘Out’ Pack it In, Let me Begin (Hiking 101)

Please forgive my House of Pain reference. If you’re too young to get it, look it up. 🙂 In the grand scheme of things I haven’t been hiking for that long. I only started doing ‘real’ hikes when I went to college. I have always enjoyed the outdoors and outdoor activities but were I grew…

Family Spring Break – Volunteering Abroad!

We recently took our kids on spring break. We definitely prefer to curate travel experiences that are culturally-rich. You typically will not find us at an all-inclusive sitting by the pool or beach. Sure, we like to relax for part of the day, but that is after we’ve explored like the locals, connected with communities,…