Why Parents Should Take Trips Sans Kids

Traveling Without Kids

I’ll admit. We have been lucky. We live near one set of parents who have always made it very seamless for us to travel without our kids. However, even before arranging childcare, first comes the decision to prioritize travel without your kids! Is it an easy decision? No. Do you miss them like crazy? Sure. Is there a little bit of anxiety? Absolutely. We argue that the benefits far outweigh the challenges to going on an adventure sans kids.

Don’t get us wrong – we LOVE to travel with our kids. We have been traveling with them since they were two months old. And, as they get older – it’s even better. We love seeing the world through their eyes. We also know the health benefits they experience when they get to embark in new territory as well as the lifelong memories we are creating together.

HOWEVER…when we travel without our kids we are investing in our marriage and our future. Let me tell you the ways.

Vacation Without Kids

Benefits of Traveling Without Kids

My husband and I have always parented with the understanding that when the foundation is strong, not only literally in a building structure, but in a relationship as well, the rest of the unit is even stronger. We prioritize travel because it gives us “X” amount of days to:

– enjoy some time for the two of us, without soccer schedules or meals to plan/prep for. And, yep – that means more time to play, laugh, talk about our future goals/life vision…the list goes on.

– it reminds us that we are deeply connected and head over heels for one another.

– it gives our kids a break from us! They need one too. And, when they are with another care taker – it might even feel like a vacay for them as well 😉

Side note: I can’t even tell you how much my kids express their gratitude and love for me when I am traveling and then also when we return home. A few days away can give them a deeper appreciation. I’ll take it!

– our kids learn to understand that we prioritize one another and are strengthening our relationship. They learn what a healthy marriage looks and feels like.

– we come back refreshed and even better parents.

Traveling Helps Marriage

Who, What, Where, When, How

Now. If you don’t have it as easy with parents who live nearby…find someone you trust and try to let go! For many people, that is the hardest part, even if you have people to watch your kids, be it friends’ houses or a person you can hire – it’s making the decision to do it! Let this be your encouragement. Make it a habit. We vowed to travel twice a year without our kids. Now that seems like a lot. But, usually it was a shorter weekend getaway. Plus one longer one. Or, you can road trip a few hours away. It doesn’t take much distance to feel like you’re on vacay.

And, start while your kids are young. Make it a habit. While traveling sans kids is still a priority for us – as they’ve gotten older, it’s surprisingly harder to leave them. For various reasons…usually it’s because they have a crazier schedule. I feel as though the logistics are more challenging for my parents. Even though it ALWAYS works out! I also feel it’s harder to leave them because they are now so much more fun to travel with. They are up for the adventures. They get to experience them with us – which is equally magical. So…we do both!

Get your Wild Bum blueprint & GO! We’re here to take one [MAJOR] thing off your list so you can stress less and enjoy a meaningful getaway with your boo.

Fear of Traveling Without Kids

Travel for Your Marriage

We recently returned from a long weekend in Toronto and each time we go away sans kids, it reminds me how grateful I am that we made this decision so many years ago. We’ve been together for twenty years now. While we adore one another, traveling and prioritizing our time together – away from daily responsibilities – absolutely attributes to the fact that we are so deeply connected. A lifetime is not long enough with my man. And, I cannot wait for all the adventures to come…with AND without our kids.

Happy #wildbumming!

I’ll admit. We have been lucky. We live near one set of parents who have always made it very seamless for us to travel without our kids. However, even before arranging childcare, first comes the decision to prioritize travel without your kids! Is it an easy decision? No. Do you miss them like crazy? Sure.…