Category: Health and Wellness

6 Ways to Keep Those Travel Dreams Alive During Quarantine

We all may be cooped up in our homes during these strange times, but that shouldn’t keep us from fueling that travel fire (while still keeping that social distance)! There are plenty of things you can do to keep you busy at home – yes, do the workouts, drink the water, call the friends, read…

How to start forest-bathing

The great news about forest-bathing is that you can do it in any weather during any season. And, during this unique season of social distancing, there is no better time to pick up nature walks than right now. Here’s our guide on how to start forest-bathing. History and Interesting Stats of Forest-Bathing Did you know…

Why Travel Memories are Important

My husband and I have these very vivid memories from our travels – a few stories that stand out and come up time and time again. We have them with our kids too. What makes this so special, you ask!? Besides all of the science that proves travel keeps us healthy and has the power…

“What is Travel?” by a 13-year-old

Hello! My name is Ella and I am 13 years old. I want to take a stab at answering the question “What is travel?”  Now there are so many ways to answer this question and no answer is wrong. The question is, what does it mean to YOU? Travel is such a personal thing. To…

Everything You Lose by Traveling

I was at yoga today and the teacher, Phil, said something really simple, yet profound. He said everyone asks what we gain from experiences…right? “What do I get out of this?” That’s our culture these days. He dared us to instead think about what we lose. Of course, he was referring to a yoga practice.…

Why You Need to Go to Europe

Let us tell you why you need to go to Europe.  The food, the sites, the history, the culture, and lifestyle – of course, we are going to share a few of our favorite Wild Bum Travel Guides below. But, first, let’s talk about the science behind a European vacay. Yep. You read that right.…