Category: Health and Wellness

What’s it Like to Fly During COVID?

Wild Bum founder, Mollie, recently took a trip that required flying. We thought it would be helpful to readers to share with you what it’s really like to fly right now. With things in life (especially when it comes to travel) being so uncertain, we want to share one person’s experience, in hopes that it…

Happy World Smile Day!

Did you know that today, October 2nd, is World Smile Day? What a wonderful day to celebrate. Our world can always use a few more smiles! Throughout my travels around the world I have found that a smile is one of the best things you can take with you everywhere you go. I have learned…

Why we left on a road trip…without our kids!

It’s a pandemic summer, you open Insta and suddenly you are bombarded with photos of every family you know on a cross-country road trip, in an RV…sound familiar? We decided to do something different. In all fairness, we did hop in our car back in mid-March, with our three kids in tow, and make the…

Road Rules: What You Need to Know to Protect Yourself from Coronavirus

As we begin to navigate the new normal, travelers must take extra precautions when planning road trips. Despite the pandemic, Americans’ wanderlust has not waned. In many cases, it has intensified following weeks, if not months, of stay at home orders. Believing their cars will be safe cocoons from the virus, an estimated 680 million…

Clean-crafted wine: Is that really a thing and why you should care?

Did you know that the average mass-produced bottle of wine can contain up to 16 grams of added sugar?  Yikes! That’s more than a glazed donut.  While we are certainly not suggesting you should drink alcohol on a regular basis, we want to share with you what may be in the wine you’re drinking and…

Why It’s Important to Travel

The reasons to travel are endless, which is why the desire to travel the world has been present for as long as we’ve been on this earth! Yes, some of this travel may have been out of necessity… but all throughout history humans have always been curious to see what lies over the horizon. Today,…