Tag: Benefits of Taking Vacation

Benefits of Using Vacation Days & Taking a Break

(CNN) — Workers in the United States left a record number of vacation days on the table last year, equating to billions in lost benefits, according to research from the U.S. Travel Association, Oxford Economics and Ipsos. A total of 768 million days went unused in 2018, a 9% increase from 2017. If you’re anything…

New Year…New Travels!

Do your New Year’s resolutions include more travel? More adventures? More experiences? My family and I were visiting my parents in Florida at this time last year. It has become an annual visit for us. We get out of the harsh Minnesota winter and into the Florida sun. While I am extremely grateful to have…

A Work Culture that Includes Travel

While the travel industry is booming and employs millions of people around the globe, we’ve been on a different track here in the U.S. According to Project Time Off, there were 705 million unused vacation days reported in 2018 in the United States. Ahem, we’re going to repeat that … 705 MILLION!   On a…