Tag: Health Benefits of Travel

Travel: The [Magical] In-Between

There is so much talk about what occurs or occurred during a travel experience. Typically conversations and travel blogs dish on all of the vacay happenings and perhaps move on to discussing what is next on their travel horizon…but, not much is said about the in-between.  When this is in fact THE most important part.…

How to strengthen our immune system? Travel abroad!

There’s so much more to traveling abroad than what meets the eye! Sure, there are the the obvious: incredible sites, amazing food and cultural experiences galore, but have you ever thought about how stepping on new soil, embarking in new territory…whatever you want to call it…actually builds up our immune systems!? We think this is…

Solo Travel

I met my husband when I was eighteen years old. He’s the best thing that has ever happened to me, but I went from travel with my parents and sometimes girlfriends, to traveling with my partner, now spouse. It took me many years, decades really, until I took my first solo trip. Now I don’t…

How Does Travel Reduce Risks of Depression?

We all have become well aware that certain things reduce our chance of depression: activity/fitness, strong relationships, creative outlets, even the food we consume and so on. However, the science is building up around travels positive impact on our mental health. We are here to emphasize that travel is not a luxury, rather an essential…